In the Lawson Security ENV profile you find these:
- rptgen.exe is in Development Tools
- cnvexp is in Delivery Tokens
- cnvimp is in Delivery Tokens
- cnvtape should appear in Translation Tools
When cnvtape exists in $GENDIR/bin but doesn't appear in the LS9 Security Administrator's "Translation Tools" (or any other grouping of executables in ENV), does anyone know how to make it appear?
Best regards, Dave (303) 900-AMEN
Solution found!
The soluton came from Lawson. Here's how to fix the situation where cnvtape (which is required by various year-end tax reporting programs) doesn't appear anywhere in the LS9 Security Admin tool, but the programs get security violations on it.
In LID, enter "tokendef" at the command line.
Environment Forms (B in character mode).
Select the TRANSLATE category.
Use F8 to insert an empty row and type "cnvtape" with a description like "Conversion year-end program".
Enter, enter, enter, escape to get out.
It now appears in the Translation Tools grouping of executables in the ENV profile.
I recommend granting full access to that in the Batch Security Class in the ENV profile. Everyone who runs batch jobs needs the BatchRole, which includes the Batch Security Class, and this will avoid security violations on cnvtape.