In my LSF9 environment, I have about 2,500 users that have no security class assigned. We are still using the LAUA security model. These users are all self-service users and need nothing more than a security class assigned. What I need to accomplish is two things:
(1) Assign a defined security class (named 'SELF_SERV') to these 2,500 users. Can I do this with some sort of GEN export, update the exported file, and then import it? I tried doing an export of the GEN user table but all I got out were the users that already had a security class assigned, just the opposite of what I need.
(2) I then will need to do a mass update of their corresponding RM record in my LDAP (MS-Adam) setting their default PortalRole value to a custom .XML file named "self_serv.xml". Again, I assume I can do some sort of export here as well, update the XML file as needed, and then import it again.
Any suggestions on how I could go about doing this? Thanks in advance.
The 1000 user limit per common identity is there, so if you wanted to do it this way, you could use two or three common identities to assign to 2000 to 3000 users, respectively. A little tricky, but that's just one way you could do it. Question: are these ESS users already in Security Administrator and can you see them there? Do they already have an identity to ESS service?? You could build a template of the XML file you need to load the RM records, with the ssoconfig tool. Then with that template, build the exact XML file you need for your company. Then, build a perl script which takes a list of your users you want to assign the PortalRole file, and then creates a XML record in an XML file for each user. Then, you load this file using loadusers. You should check the "Lawson Administration 9.0 - Resources and Security" for the background on this if you don't already know. Try this process out on one user before doing the whole thing. The other option is I think you can in Security Admin, or RM, mass assign a PortalRole attribute to multiple users. I may be wrong, but check it out and try.
Thanks Roger,
To answer your question, yes, all of my 2,700 self-service users are already in the Lawson Security Administrator, each having an RM record and the necessary identities. I checked the mass assignment menu in Resource Manager and it looks like the "PortalRole" is not an option; at least it doesn't appear to be since I don't see it in the list of attributes I can use. So it looks like I'll have to use an XML file to do the mass update of all the RM records but still have to go through a manual update of all the user records in LAUA.
I forgot that I could use the SSO utility to generate an XML file to use as a starting point. Time to hit the books (again) and see what the whole process entails.