Removing custom attribute from LSA

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Chad Dirst
Advanced Member
Posts: 42
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    I am attempting to remove a couple of custom attributes via the Lawson RM Schema Editor. My understanding is that making the change via the schema editor only puts the change in a “temporary” location and the actual change needs to be generated via ldifgen and then loaded via ldapmodify.


    My question is really on the ldifgen command.


    Here is the command I am planning on running:


    ldifgen xmltoschemaldif RmMeta_Default.xml -f schema.ldif -r reorg.ldif -m update.ldif -D "cn=ldapadmin" -w XXXXXXXXXXX -h -p 389 -v

    Is this correct?  We have numerous other several other custom attributes which we are NOT removing.  I question whether I should have the “RmMeta_Default.xml” portion of the command.


    Thanks in advance.

    Alex Tsekhansky
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 92
    Veteran Member
      That is correct. The file RmMeta_Default.xml is usually located in LAWDIR/system, and you should run your ldifgen command from that directory as well.