user reports

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Veteran Member
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    Does Lawson store the user creation date somewhere?

    I need a user report with date the user was created.

    Any ideas??
    Veteran Member
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      The creation date and last modified date are stored in your LDAP. We report off from that for audit purposes. We use the AVAAP security dashboard to pull the LDAP info and push it into a oracle database that we can report off from. I have a report that shows me the user name, create date, last modified date.

      I would start with an LDAP browser or if you need a report you can dump that data or create a smart note to the LDAP. That might be a good place to start. Just depends on the tools at your disposal.
      Dave Amen
      Veteran Member
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        With great hopes I looked at several users inside LDAP thinking that the creation date would be stored there. The createTimeStamp was consistently empty, and in many cases that was the only "creation" type of entry. It seems to depend on your version of the Lawson environment, but in other cases I found these attached to user resources:

        whenChanged 20100521190425.0Z
        whenCreated 20100219195554.0Z

        Do you have a way to extract LDAP data?

        Best regards,
        (303) 773-3535
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          I don't have a way to extract LDAP data.

          But I will start looking into now.

          Dave Amen
          Veteran Member
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            If you don't already have it, JXplorer is a wonderful free tool for browsing LDAP:


            With that, you'll see lwsnrmdata as one of the branches. Click on that to see all of the users defined. Click on any of them to see all of their attributes in the window on the right.

            You can "dump" the lwsnrmdata branch into an LDIF format text file (a menu option at the top of JXplorer), although that can be rather challenging to parse through. If the creation dates exist in LDAP, though, they'll be in that LDIF file.

            Best regards,
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 444
            Veteran Member
              In addition to the LDAP browser (Jexplorer or Softera are the ones I've used) you can also create a smart note to pull the LDAP info then dump to excel or another tool to analyze. If screens shots would help with that I can pull some together quickly for you.
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 84
              Veteran Member
                Thanks everyone. I was able to retrieve the info from LDAP and I have submitted the info to our auditors

