Report for LBI reports posted and publishing/Report ID

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    I'm trying to create one report that will tell me the location of all my published reports on LBI dashboards and what the correlating publishing numbers. I have two separate reports using ERS_Reports (enter publishing # to get rpt name) and ENPBATREE (location of all reports including dashboard and module name) but can't find a way to link them together. Any thoughts?
    Matthew Nye
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      I dont have access to an LBI system right now so I cant give you exact syntax but you could try parsing the string that contains the URL for the channel (module) or link in ENPBATREE for the string "&REPORTID=". You would then link to ERS_REPORTS with that ID.
      If any of my answers were helpful an endorsement on LinkedIn would be much appriciated!
      Veteran Member
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        Hi Natalie,

        I did some work for ProMedica through IBM in my consulting days. I am not a consultant any more but I have a report we used during our version 10 up grade.

        Send me a direct message and I will send you the report and assist you if needed.

        Donna Shelton
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          I'd very much like a copy of your report, Donna. Will message you. Thx, Pix
          Veteran Member
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            Please send me your corporate email address and I will reply with attachment.
            Veteran Member
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              Please send me your corporate email address and I will reply with attachment.
              New Member
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                I also would like a copy of your report if I could.

                Thank you,
                Greg Moeller
                Veteran Member
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                  Oh, me too, please!