Forum: Lawson Business Intelligence/Reporting/Crystal

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LBI login and dashboard loading getting slower all the time...    

Started By  mjcindc
I know this is a terrible description of my problem, but I'm a database guy not an engineer.  I don't really know our environment all that well.  I am, however, responsible for LBI reports and our LBI site is getting slower by the day.  The app server and db server are not showing any extradinary resource usage and I'm really not sure what suggestions I can make to our engineer.  He's a bit less concerned than I am.  It can take 30-40 seconds between clicking the login button and having the defa...
12 5763 5
by  Chris MartinJump to last post
5/4/2012 11:36 AM

Setting LBI timeout params    

Started By  jeff-lbi
I have seen the postings on modifying the LBI timeout params for session and portal, etc However, I have yet to discover where this is done In the LBI app itself or a table value or on the hosting server, etc
15 7193 2
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
4/27/2012 3:16 PM

Scheduled Reports in Excel Format (via Email)    

Started By  ric9d
I have a report schedule that spits out emails with the report attached in Excel format in lbi. My problem is: the resulting report is only diaplying the page header for the first page. In Crystal Reports stand alone, when you try to export a report into a Excel file, a window will pop up that prompts if you want to 'Display Header in first page only'. this is the default by the way. Since a schedule report in LBI will not prompt the user, it uses the default setting. Is there a way to manip...
1 4012 0
by  ric9dJump to last post
6/22/2012 2:50 PM

Export a scheduled LBI report to excel DATA ONLY format    

Started By  jeff-lbi
There are only options for CSV, xls, pdf, etc. I do not see an option for DATA ONLY excel. How can this be accomplished on the scheduled LBI reports (It IS an option on the on demand report configurations, but not scheduled. Why And is there a work around
7 5830 2
by  jeff-lbiJump to last post
4/26/2012 4:58 PM

Can I reference data in a published LBI spreadsheet in a Crystal report also published in LBI?    

Started By  Jan
Hello I'd like to create a Crystal report that uses dates in another published LBI report in order to select data. The Crystal selection could be done via parameters that are pulled from this separate report. The separate report would be an Excel spreadsheet that I create by hand and upload and publish into LBI. The only purpose for this spreadsheet would be to supply dates to my Crystal report. I'm asking this question because I've been told this is possible but I don't know how to do it...
2 4023 1
by  ric9dJump to last post
6/25/2012 2:26 PM

Scheduled report no longer runs after new report user added    

Started By  jeff-lbi
Has anyone encountered this I assume we are missing some other change that must be done after a new Report user is added to a Scheduled delivery for a report. Here is the scenario : (Note that any user we're adding in this scenario DOES have an email device set up, etc, etc) 1) Set up a schedule for a report, set the effective start date, etc, etc and a couple of users. It runs fine, no problems, all the users get their email. 2) The next day we add 1 new user to the schedule (wh...
5 3810 0
by  jeff-lbiJump to last post
4/26/2012 4:26 PM

LBI Connection to AS400 Server failure    

Started By  imty
:confused:Hello All, I have a crystal report that I created where it pulls data from the AS400 system via an ODBC driver. The report in Crystal works fine. I have published this report to LBI and in the DATA SETINGS i used INFINIUM as the data source and the following user id and password which works from Cyrstal. Infinium User Profile for ODBC connect. User Profile: LAWPAY Password: PASSLAW Library (Directory) USLAWSON Table (File) ...
17 5829 1
by  imtyJump to last post
3/15/2012 11:02 PM

Dashboard Tabs - making multiple rows    

Started By  dcaiani
Last year at CUE I saw a customer presentation (I wish I could remember who it was) and they had more dashboard tabs than would fit in a single row. They were able to make multiple rows of dashboard tabs rather than have to click on the 'additional tabs' arrow or use the drop down to view the additional dashboard. Does anyone know how to do this
6 3950 0
by  Xin LiJump to last post
4/2/2012 7:36 PM

REPORT server.    

Started By  MARCO3535
Two of the our crystal users opened up standard crystal reports as they have run (as report refresh) many times in the past, Usually, it will open up to the proper environment, (oldproduction1) and prompt them for a password. This time, however, when they refresh for current data, instead of being prompted for a login in they are being asked to chose what server the report should point to. So they have to point to the server they want. This has occurred for each report they...
1 3609 0
by  Matthew NyeJump to last post
3/19/2012 5:07 PM

HRHISTORY table compare date rows    

Started By  Sarah
How do I use the HRHISTORY table to look at the most recent (fld nbr 51)ADJ_HIRE_DT - (fld nbr 27)LAST TERM DT and if it's less than 365 days take the (fld nbr 26)PREVIOUS SENIORITY DT and add those days to the PREV SENIORITY DT to identify what the employees TRUE SENIORITY DT should be. Example: Employee is rehired with an adj_hire_dt = 02/19/2012. Their previous term date = 02/22/2011 so 02/19/2012-02/22/2011=362 days Their previous seniority date = 03/09/2001362=03/06/2002. I've been...
2 4886 0
by  SarahJump to last post
3/19/2012 6:20 PM

LBI bursting rights    

Started By  imty
Hello Group, We have a clinic user group with bursting rights in LBI. Some of the financial reports are currently being burst based on the user's assigned to the clinic user group. We have created a Crystal payroll report and would like to create a payroll user group. Right now we have say center 1001001 that has two users attached to it. Now for payroll only one of the user's would have access to the report. If we attach the payroll report to the payroll user group would that control or over...
1 4148 0
by  Matthew NyeJump to last post
3/22/2012 2:27 PM

Report Tooltip in underlying data table?    

Started By  David Levine
Hello, The report Tooltip - the report description that appears as you hover your mouse cursor over the report name is derived from the 'Description' text box in the 'Main' tab, when selecting 'Edit...' from the report. Does anyone know where this description can be found in the underlying table structure By the way, I've determined that it's NOT rsuserprd.ers_reports.description - this is the report description derived from Tools-->Reporting Services Report Administration-->Maint...
6 4112 1
by  Chris MartinJump to last post
3/30/2012 3:56 PM

Login to LBI Using Domain Account    

Started By  Layne
We are using a domain account called LBICrystalReports to attempt to login a LBI Crystal Report. Going into MY REPORTS and editing the Data Settings \ Default User ID, we add the account using the following format for the Default User ID: GCSD\lbicrystalreports. GCSD is our domain. It will not work and the SQL log error shows that the report is attemping to login using SQL Server Authentificaiton even though the account is a domain account. The permission in SQL Server is sufficient for th...
1 3968 0
by  Matthew NyeJump to last post
4/11/2012 7:19 PM

Schedule report users *Share* ??    

Started By  Greg Moeller
Does anyone have a report of the report users that are attached to the schedules that they would be willing to share I'm being asked to develop one, and I really don't have the time. I've got one that has the main report users, (and I'd be willing to share that) but not one that ties the report to the schedule to the report users on the schedule. Anyone Thanks much, -Greg
10 4227 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
5/2/2012 6:52 PM

LBI text datasource question    

Started By  thanef
I have a Crystal report that uses a text data source housed on my LBI server. It runs successfully in Crystal on my LBI server but I can not create the correct data source in LBI Report Services. Has anyone done this There is not a text type data source to choose from in LBI. Thanks.
1 4150 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
5/1/2012 12:31 AM

A link to change parameters for all reports on a tab?    

Started By  MCordero
I have a dashboard tab with 5 different reports, all with the same parameter, Location. I heard it was possible to have a single link that updates all reports in the tab with a new location instead of having to fill out the parameter in each report.separately. Has anyone done this that can point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this Also, what about a list of links in one module that could change the report that is viewed in a second module
1 3228 0
by  Matthew NyeJump to last post
5/2/2012 7:17 PM

Crystal Reports broken after 9.0.1 upgrade    

Started By  JonA
We upgraded from to at the end of March and since then I've noticed several of my Crystal reports are not pulling the same data as they were before. For instance, I have a Contract Spend report that pulls from PURCHORDER, POLINE, MMDIST and MAINVDTL. I only want supply expense data so I'm filtering the data so the report only shows PO line info for certain accounts. The problem is that no inventory lines are in the report now. I think it has something to do with the fact that...
3 4219 0
by  JonAJump to last post
5/7/2012 4:57 PM

Developing a rolling 12 month P&L in RW    

Started By  Whitney Johnson
Has anyone developed or can you tell me if I can create in RW a rolling 12 month P&L for finance only showing the Actual amount column for each month The report would need to run for the current month, but then show the previous actual amounts for the other 11 months. Thanks, Whitney
3 4296 1
by  Whitney JohnsonJump to last post
5/15/2012 6:23 PM

Locating DB Tables/Fields    

Started By  dukeslater
Somewhat new to Lawson, and so far I've been able to find all the fields needed for reporting (Crystal - native connection to Oracle). But now I'm having some trouble locating these two fields: IC12 - Expense account IC12 - Purchase From Location TIA for any help you can provide, specific to this problem or for locating db fields in general.
5 9251 0
by  dukeslaterJump to last post
5/17/2012 7:18 PM

LBI Back Office Reports, publish more than 1 rpt from same job    

Started By  Elizabeth Ardito
We only have the 'free' LBI product that replaced E-Broadcast from years ago. I have a new cobol program that produces 2 output files in the print manager (a .prt and the other file is called listing). Is it possible to publish the listing file I have all the necessary coding in the program to include the tags on both reports. I have had a case open with Lawson for the last 2 weeks and today they came back after they tried some 'canned' reports but determined they were not burstable tha...
23 7659 5
by  Elizabeth ArditoJump to last post
5/30/2012 3:26 PM

LBI/crystal issue    

Started By  tstanley
I keep getting the following message ran running a crystal report from LBI. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this error. Thank you. Error message: SystemErr R The table 'v' could not be found.
10 5073 1
by  Matthew NyeJump to last post
5/24/2012 11:05 AM

Specific AU's not showing in Crystal Reports    

Started By  Whitney Johnson
I have two separate Crystal reports, report (A): is pulling AU’s by Attribute and report (B): is a P&L pulling revenue and expense accounts. For some strange reason I’m not able to get data for two specific accounting units to pull into these reports. Does anyone have an idea what may be causing this Could it be the setup of these AU's in Lawson All other AU data is being captured in the reports.
2 3873 2
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
5/24/2012 8:14 PM

Panelists wanted for a Focus Group on Performance Management and Continuous Feedback    

Started By  sathiya
Synergita is conducting a market research study among HR professionals on Performance Management and Continuous Feedback. The Focus group is scheduled on June 7th 2012, at 1.30 PM US Eastern Time. HR Professionals interested in participating as a panelist, please contact
0 3390 0
6/2/2012 7:45 AM

LBI html report    

Started By  khart
Has anyone used a html report in LBI that is updated on a regular basis This html file will be updated daily and I was hoping to access it by LBI instead of a portal bookmark. I have created new LBI reports with a html file but since the html content does not change this has not come up before now. It looks like I would have to republish it daily which is not practical. There is not any syntax hints for the Address field either. From LBI manual: 'URL Reports You can use this feature...
4 4652 0
by  khartJump to last post
6/15/2012 6:38 PM

Vendor Address Defaults    

Started By  dukeslater
I'm having trouble figuring out the logic for returning the default addresses for each vendor. For example, in APVENMAST vendor 8 is 3M. Both the REMIT_TO_CODE and PURCH_FR_LOC are null. In APVENADDR vendor 8 has 36 addresses, all have CUR_ADDR = Y. Each has a different location code, but only about 10 of the vendors have an address with the location code I would consider our 'home' location. If the location fields in APVENMAST are null, how would I return the default addresses (fo...
1 4267 1
by  JonAJump to last post
6/22/2012 2:10 PM
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