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Verifying LBI Maintain Rights      

Started By  ALB
We are moving from on-premise to the Cloud without realizing that we were expected to maintain LBI security from that initial cut. We have some reports which are bursted. It appears that some people were partially set up. Does anyone have any SQL they use to confirm LBI Rights match
2 40075 2
by Joan Herzfeldt

Framework Services Tools Dashboard      

Started By  Robby
I can un-check the 'All' box, but can't save it. In our dev version which is, I can, but only if I 'play' with the IE compatibility settings. I've got a ticket in with Infor, but the development team says that it is working as designed. That's a terrible design! And what did they do between and that limited this ability. Anyway, who else is running and what are you doing One of my thoughts was - perhaps there's a setting during installation th...
6 41545 0
by ALB

LBI Tools Tab Reporting My Reports      

Started By  Donna
We have tried creating new lists maintaining existing lists and have not been successful in allowing both of us access to all the reports. I have access to all of my reports and all reports for any prior LBI administrators including Lawson but cannot see the reports she has published to LBI. The new LBI administrator can see some of my reports and all of her reports but there are gaps. Our IT department and Lawson support can't seem to figure this out either but it causes some time consuming ...
7 47117 1
by lmackin

LBI Backoffice to GL90 security      

Started By  texasInstruments
Has anyone been successful in securing GL90 when used as a destination from LBI Backoffice RW100 reports drill around We need to be able to limit by accounting unit based on what rights they have in LBI when they arrive at the GL90 form from LBI. Currently, a user can type in different accounting unit numbers and inquire on GL90 to see information that they are not given in LBI rights. We have tested security rules that do limit access based on a security group value but I am thinking that w...
1 46704 1
by texasInstruments

Paramertized Crystal Reports freezes      

Started By  anatoli.s
Hi lawson gurus, We are using Crystal Report with parameters, and sometimes user is not able to open that report (the reports stuck at 'Please wait' before showing parameters page). ERS log shows the CrystalEngine exceptions (the sample exception text below), and I assume that could be fixed by Guest user re-configuration (details at http://www-01.ibm.com/sup...wssuid=swg21443725) However, I didn't find any similar options in Lawson Reporting Services Administration. Could you advise wher...
0 4712 1

Embed tag      

Started By  Katy Prince
I took the training on this so long ago and I can't remember how to embed the tag in a Crystal Report so that I can burst it in LBI.
1 37848 1
by NatalieD


Started By  kweixel-eb
I'm not an admin, but in accounting with some database programming experience. I've been using the S3 Query Wizard, but would like to do aggregate functions on large data sets (>1million txns). Is there a free report writer that works with Lawson Or, is there another way to do this Thanks
1 49695 0
by dcaiani

Item Locn usage using ICHISTORY - date range?      

Started By  NatalieD
I am attempting to rewrite an existing report that calculates the usage for all items at location with SOH >0. It's using the ICHISTORY table and is YTD data only. I've been requested to make this a rolling 12 month scheduled report. The Usage field is a case formula (see below). I'm not sure how to correct to allow for the months from the year prior to the parameter year. As in, if they enter parameter year = 2016 and parameter month = 1, how can Feb-Dec 2015 be included to make the 12 months ...
3 45092 1
by NatalieD

Edit Report List under Maintain Reports      

Started By  Donna
We are using the Maintain Reports All list because we have multiple LBI administrators who cannot see each other's reports but we need the report number that LBI assigns when you publish a report displayed in the list. We are looking for a way to add the report number to the list.
1 36884 1
by NatalieD

Infor BI versus LBI versus other solutions      

Started By  CMNew
Does anybody have experience using Infor BI versus Lawson BI We purchased Lawson BI but have'nt implemented it. Our rep is recommending that we switch to Infor BI instead and maintains that Lawson BI wont continue to be supported. We have another team here who thinks we should ditch the Infor solution entirely and start using Tableau instead which the company has'nt purchased yet but they have researched it and think its a preferred solution for reporting all round Any thoughts or input i...
1 50224 0
by Randy

Cleanup user rights      

Started By  Xin Li
We have a lot users used to be LBI users. Even though they are no longer LBI users, their user rights are still left behind in LBI. Is there any simple way to remove their user right in LBI
0 3642 1

LBI report linked to Excel file      

Started By  NatalieD
Has anyone successfully linked an Excel file to a published LBI report We regularly use Crystal Reports linked to an Excel file to help pull reports for a specific set of items. We populate the Excel file with the list of items and then run the file which is linked by the field. I've been trying to publish a report to LBI that would allow our end users to populate an excel file and then run a report off LBI (avoiding the need to have Crystal Reports but giving them the flexibility to run ...
0 4207 1

Change user language in LawsonFS database      

Started By  TRK
Hi forum When creating a new user in LBI, the default language is for some reason set to Danish :blink: As we are a company with locations several places in the world it would be much more beneficial if the language was English. How to either set the default language for new users to English or to update the language preference directly in the database See attachment of the setting in question in the web interface. Thanks in advance, Thomas
1 48238 1
by TRK

Crystal Report does not run      

Started By  ALB
There are a few Crystal reports which do not run and displays the message 'The report you requested requires further information.' It prompts for the user and password. There is only one data source, and it has been overridden with an ODBC connection used by other reports. It works for some people but not others. How can this be resolved
1 41075 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Republishing reports not working LBI 10.6      

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
We have a new LBI 10.6 install, data migrated from 10.4 and then upgraded. Pretty much everything is working except we can not republish reports. The screen is just a bunch of empty boxes and not all labels are visible etc. See attachment for details. Anyone seen this after an upgrade Thanks, -Lance
4 35251 2
by Jimmy Chiu

Enhancement requests # 9809 & 9813 - suggest you vote!      

Started By  NatalieD
ER 9809 Description Currently there is no way to report by either group, list, or attribute. It would be helpful to export this information to Excel to help with analysis and maintenance. Proposed Solution Add capability to extract/report on LBI reports by group, list, or attribute. Adding capability to export this information to Excel would be useful. ER 9813 Description Add capability to search for LBI reports. Allowing search by wildcard would be very useful. Right now looking...
3 48625 1
by Kelly H

Crystal Report - Help Adding Fields to Existing Query      

Started By  Chris-T
Good afternoon, Let me start by stating that while I'm a DB person at my local hospital, I have never worked with Lawson data before. I've been requested to create an employee history report and thanks to the talented folks here, I have very nearly what I need. Would someone be able to assist me in adding two fields to this query - I'm looking to add the employee's prior supervisor and current supervisor (much like the current position and prior position). I believe the d...
1 46034 1
by Jeff Shumate

RNI Crystal      

Started By  Mark Silva
Which tables and fields are best and any joins to create a crystal report to display RNI. We can see  PORECLINE ENT-REC-QTY – the Receipt Quantity on PO30  MAINVDTL ENTERED-QTY – The Invoice Quantity on MA43  POLINE VBUY-UNIT-CST – The PO Line Unit Cost So we know if we take Receipt Quantity less Entered Quantity we get RNI Quantity. We can take this against PO Line Unit Cost to get RNI amount. B...
4 44430 3
by JonA

Report will not pull up      

Started By  ALB
There is one person who is having an issue pulling up any Crystal reports. The pop-up flashes a URL with the web server and another with the LBI server. I noticed the error logs have: The Viewer could not be created because the Device Client type is not supported How do you resolve that issue
0 4551 0

Determine if an employee received a promotion/demotion      

Started By  agersh
I have been asked to build a Crystal Report to track employee status, position, department changes, and promotions/demotions for a select group of employees. Using the HRHISTORY table I am track an employee’s status, position and department changes. But I am having trouble determining what to look at to determine if an employee received a promotion/demotion.
0 4001 1

Need GLTRANS and FBDETAIL view      

Started By  Donna
I am preparing a crystal report that uses GLTRANS for the expense column and provides totals by system code that tie back to all the sub systems. The report also displays budget in a sub report at the account level but the report performance is terrible. There is a significant percentage of accounts that do not have expense transactions but are budgeted. Does anyone have a view or sql query that might be helpful in obtaining all the populated records for each table The view does not nee...
0 4114 1

Searching for BANK-STATUS field      

Started By  ric9d
Hello all, I am looking for the BANK-STATUS field for my report. Please help as I dont know where to get it from (table and field names pls!). The possible values are 'Reconciled', 'Issued', etc. THANKS! Ric
11 48173 0
by Greg Dey

LBI to Infor BI      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Just got an email from my PM stating we need to get to Infor BI for Lawson. A PDF attachment to this email indicates How to move from LBI to Infor BI for Lawson A migration consists of two parts: • A license migration, and • a technical migration. License migration Customers just need to provide the existing LBI and Viewpoint license SKUs to their sales reps. There is a standard conversion document available that provides the resulting Infor BI for Lawson licenses...
9 41157 5
by Vijay S


Started By  NatalieD
Hello - I'm trying to build a crystal report that will show the contracted price for an item based on the IC12 location company. We have instances where we have more than one vendor agreement based on one for a specific participant company. When I pull the contract tables in (POVAGRMTHD, POVAGRMTLN and POAGMTPART) they report duplicates the item for every possible contract. I'm trying to narrow down to have it only show the vendor agreement based on the location company using the agreement parti...
1 41757 2
by Joan Herzfeldt

FORUMTOPIC:SUBJECTLINK|Unable to view LBI Report      

Started By  Vijay S
All, We went to LBI 10.2 , RAS - 11. When we try to publish a report , we are getting message published successfully, But when we Run the report , we are getting the following error: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | 'com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKServerException: The system cannot find the path specified. ---- Error code:-2147467259 [CRSDK00000000] Error code name:failed' -...
3 42471 0
by Vijay S
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RE: SQL Help
by Greg Moeller
11/9/2023 2:49 PM