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Crystal Report for PO23 Orphaned Items      

Started By  brupp
Hello - I have a Crystal Report for POINTERFAC with ORIGIN_CD=IC to catch those items that do not add to or create a PO due to having the wrong replenishment vendor (or whatever the reason). It works fine except for 6 items that I cannot find either in PO23 or on a PO100 error report. I just need them to go away & cannot figure out the required action in Lawson. Any ideas Thanks.
6 48284 0
by brupp

Parameters and Scheduled Instances      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I am working in Lawson version 9.0.1. Can a scheduled report have parameters added to it For instance, we have a scheduled report that contains many employee demographics. The end users would like the ability to select the Employee Last Name and/or Employee ID so only those matching records will display, versus the alternative of exporting a large report and filtering/sorting for the needed record. I know there is the option within LBI to create a parameter, and I tested this option ...
0 4415 0

Cross Reference All LBI Reports to Security      

Started By  ALB
Is there a way to create a list of all LBI reports and the security tied to each Some of our security is by individual user and some by groups.
6 49043 2
by ALB

Internet Explorer 11 and LBI Version 9.0.4      

Started By  Fred Pinto
Hi Everyone, I just upgraded a user from XP to Win7 and now their BI web page is all screwed up. I tried the compatibility view but I get the same screen. I've attched a screen shot. Any ideas
5 50056 2
by Fred Pinto

Crystal Reporting in the Cloud      

Started By  imty
Hello All, We currently use Crystal Reports with Lawson for financial reporting. Our current Production database is on a dedicated in-house server. The reports seem to run fine in this environment. We are now migrating to the Cloud and have modified the data source for all CR to point to the Cloud database. The database is called the LSLMDB in the Cloud Server. We are noticing a drastic drop in the run time of some reports especially ones where data is being retrieved for both the current and...
1 40280 1
by Jimmy Chiu

Crystal report not refreshing      

Started By  BMcKay
1. Modified Crystal report, did save without data 2. Republished on dashboard via LBI>Report Details 3. LBI>Report Details>Data Settings, chose the datasource and entered user id/password. Now I go to Dashboard, click on report and it has old data in it. I'm new at both Crystal and LBI. Beth
4 43377 0
by NatalieD

LBI 10.5 +      

Started By  LoriN
Has anyone moved to Infor BI for Lawson Version 10.5 or 10.6 I am trying to determine what the migration process is for this. I know we need to fill out an order form to switch from LBI to IBI. I have tried to get additional information from our Account Exec, but not had much luck with the information I am looking for. I see that LBI 10.4 is end of maintenance on 2/28/17. What was the process like for conversion Did you need to have consulting, or was the conversion fairly seamless. ...
2 45086 2
by Greg Moeller

Updating user rights in LBI within IE11      

Started By  Kelly H
We recently upgraded to IE11 and since then we can't update user rights in LBI. When we use IE9, it still works fine. Has anyone else experienced this and figured out a work around The only work around we have right now is to reimage a machine and put IE9 on that machine rather than IE11. And so far this is the only issue we are having in IE11 that we have found so far.
3 48462 2
by Greg Dey

Bursting Reports on Dashboard      

Started By  Maria
We currently have several reports on our LBI dashboard that are bursted by user (LAWSONRS_CurrentUser). When a user runs the bursted report, it displays data that is assigned to them however, when they click on the refresh button in the report (after it ran the first time), they are prompted to select a user name (making the bursting obsolete). This allows them to view data of the entire organization since they are able to select any user in the drop down menu. Has anyone ever experie...
1 39331 1
by Dave Curtis

Refresh RS SN FS Databases      

Started By  Giulia
We have upgraded our LBI to 10.4 and our Lawson to 10. We are currently testing and plan to go live in May. In the mean time we are adding Reports and Smart Notes in our current production databases and publishing them to dashboards. To avoid manually keeping the two databases in sync (creating and publishing these new items in both environments), is there a tool or script that will refresh the upgraded RS SN and FS databases with the current production RS SN and FS databases without impacting t...
3 44092 3
by Greg Moeller

ICTRANS Location w-Name      

Started By  brupp
Hello - I have a Crystal Report with ICTRANS.FROM_TO_LOC & I need to add the name of the location to the report. Sometimes this is a par location & sometimes it is a requesting location. It is working with our par locations that have IC81 headers using ICLOCATION, but I'm losing the requesting locations since those are in RQ01/REQLOC. Any suggestions My knee jerk reaction is to add our req locs to IC81 as a header only but I believe these will create ghost IC02's which may cause an en...
2 36593 0
by brupp

Item/Vendor report      

Started By  NatalieD
I'm trying to write a Crystal Report that has ITEMMAST and POITEMVEN to show all the items in the item master as well as any PO13 information. When I pull in APVENMAST to pull in the vendor name I have to filter out a specific vendor group. When I do this, it eliminates any IC11 records that don't have a PO13. Any suggestions SELECT 'ITEMMAST'.'ITEM_GROUP', 'ITEMMAST'.'ITEM', 'ITEMMAST'.'DESCRIPTION', 'ITEMMAST'.'DESCRIPTION2', 'ITEMMAST'.'INVEN_MAJCL', 'ITEMMAST'.'INVEN_MINCL', 'ITEMMAST'....
0 5767 0

7.1.5 Lawson Insight GL / Fin.      

Started By  edj
Using an old Lawson Insight version, 7.1.5 on iSeries/AS400. A user was recently changed from an AP group to Financial/GL but something must have been missed because while the user can run a financial report, they cannot view it so as to move it to an active print outq. I am not very familiar with Lawson user setup, and anyone that was has moved on. I'm out of ideas as to where or how this permission/authority is granted. I can view the spooled output in the outq and move it to print, but the u...
1 40387 2
by edj

Excel Exports format incorrectly in LBI      

Started By  Donna
It has always been a challenge to get some of our more complex reports to export with correct EXCEL formatting in LBI but now newly published reports have some real issues with the columns when exported. It appears that the exported report totally ignores the columns in the published Crystal report. These same reports export beautifully when directly exported from Crystal to Excel outside of LBI. I reached out to a peer who is also a consultant and he is having the same problem. Reports that...
3 41595 2
by Donna

PO Spend Validation      

Started By  NatalieD
Hello - Any thoughts on the best approach or screen in Lawson to help validate a PO spend report Ideally I would like to be able to have a number I can compare the amount of PO spend within a time period.
2 48018 0
by NatalieD

Crystal Par Stock Out Report      

Started By  bcarmichael99
I am looking for a way to use a crystal report to show when items stock out for our par locations. I have tried querying multiple different ways but everytime I do, it throws off the number because we have updated the par level. I need a way to include whatever the par level was at the time the count was completed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
5 48909 1
by JonA

FORUMTOPIC:SUBJECTLINK|Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration Error      

Started By  JonA
I'm trying to set up my my ODBC connection for Crystal on a new pc (Windows 7, Oracle version 12.1.0) but I'm getting this error: Testing Connection SQLState=08004 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified When I compare the ODBC driver config and tnsnames.ora file to my current pc (Windows XP, Oracle version 11g) they look identical. And my connection test is successful on this pc. Any ideas
1 49342 0
by JonA

Table Joins - MMDIST & GL      

Started By  brupp
Hello - I am trying to build a Crystal Report for Inventory transactions - I have everything in place except for descriptions for AU's. I have GLMASTER, GLNAMES & GLCHARTDTL available. I'm only getting results for one of our companies. I've played with the joins but no success. Perhaps I'm missing a parameter - any suggestions
2 46162 2
by brupp

Items and unit price      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello - I am trying to build a Crystal Report for all IC11 items along with their unit price. .What table can I use for unit price If I use ICTRANS I get multiple records for same item with different unit price. Thanks for your help.
2 42428 0
by Kat V

IC11 and vendor data      

Started By  NatalieD
I'm trying to create a Crystal report that will list ALL of my IC11 records and then list the PO13 records for the item. I have itemmast leftouter to POITEMVEN and am OK. When I try to link APVENMAST to POITEMVEN to get the vendor name. We have two vendor groups and one has to be filtered out - this seems to be the when I loose all IC11 records that do not have PO13 records (no vendor group). If I remove the vendor group record select, the report duplicates based on the vendor ID if the vendor n...
2 47973 2
by NatalieD

List of bursting rights, elements and users      

Started By  Donna
What tables have the bursting information fields Thank you. Donna
6 53761 3
by Lance Kelley

need documentation on publishing on LBI      

Started By  NatalieD
Hi! I am new to LBI and I'm having trouble understanding how the rights for each user and group relates to how a report is published and linked on LBI. Does anyone have any documentation they would be willing to share to help me out I've been able to republish and keep everything going but I'm having trouble with setting up published reports to get the published report match the rights to the dashboard it is linked. LBI Reporting Services Much appreciated!
1 49867 2
by JonA

Future of LBI      

Started By  Kelly H
We are currently on LBI 10. In the past we have heard issues around some functionality going away in LBI 11. There is a post on the Lawson community pages that talks about lBI moving to OLAP instead of Crystal Has there been any road maps shown that indicate where LBI is headed
1 9552 2
by Shane Jones

How to add a custom table to lawson data dictionary version      

Started By  apsnaveen
How to add a custom table to lawson data dictionary version
1 35016 1
by mikeP

Print to a network printer?      

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
I have a request to print a scheduled report on a network printer and I am finding the 'documentation' lacking on Infor Extreme... I have the device type setup and I can see the HelloWorld....pdf files getting created in the temp directory. Getting 'Unable to retrieve content from '{0}'. when running the delivery test.
1 45115 1
by Lance Jurgensen
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by Greg Moeller
11/9/2023 2:49 PM