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Links on dashboard (LBI) will not launch      

Started By  JonA
We have a couple users that when they click on the links on one of our LBI dashboards, nothing happens. If they log into a different pc it works fine. So this leads me to think it's a setting on the pc. IT has verified that Lawson security, IE version and compatibility settings are fine. The links on other dashboards work as expected. Anyone have a similar issue
9 46263 2
by Ethan

PERSACTION Report build      

Started By  thummel1
Has anyone attempted to build a report using the PERSACTION table that would list all employees in the table, that includes their current demographic information (e.g. current Process Level, Dept, Job Code, User Level, FTE, others...) and also display the same demograhpics of what they are transferring to (new Process Level, Dept, Job Code, User Level, FTE, others... ). The table appears to be built in a way that is not very conducive to easy reporting. The goal of this report is to replace a...
5 43893 3
by Dave Curtis

Crystal and PRSAGDTL.EFFECT_DATE      

Started By  Maria
I am tying to pull the max EFFECT_DATE frm the PRSAGDTL table in Crystal and cannot find a formula or command that will do this. Does anyone have any ideas or has had an issue with this that can help me out. I would appeciate any and all help. Thanks Maria
6 33699 0
by mikeP

MSCM Signature      

Started By  john5
I have a request for data from MSCM to show deliveries, show it was delivered to and also the signatures that were captured. I can gather all the needed data, I see the bitmap field for the signature but want to convert that to the signature to show on a report. Has anyone done this that can share some thoughts on how to code this Thank You.
1 30637 0
by Greg Moeller

AP150 invoices put on hold      

Started By  Deleted User
Hello all, I am looking for the logic(criteria) for invoices put on credit hold on AP150 for my report. Please help as I dont know where to get it from (table and field names pls!). Thanks
0 4175 1

PERSACTION-Position Number?      

Started By  thummel1
I am building a report designed to show various field that will be changing in the PERSACTION table. One of the fields I need to display is the Position Number, before and after. I can see where the 'After' is (PERSACTION.NEW_VALUE_7), but I am not sure the best way to display the 'before'. I can see the Process Level and Department as their own data fields, but not Position, which is important because an employee can have up to 5 positions. Any suggestions on how to display (e.g. data field...
3 30060 2
by pbelsky

Freight Data Output to Text File      

Started By  JonA
I need someone well versed in SQL to check my script for syntax and structure. I can read scripts and understand for the most part what a script was designed to do but this is the first one I've built. I created this one by starting with Crystal and reverse engineering other examples and lots of Google searches. The purpose of this script is to create a text file of freight expense history (we use AOC codes) for the past 7 days and file name should be MIDMIC-COMP-YYYYMMDD.txt where YYMMDD is ...
3 30922 1
by JonA

Dashboard Missing      

Started By  Kelly H
We have users that have been able to see one of the dashboards in LBI for quite some time. All of the sudden some of them cant see it. But some are able to. I have checked the sharing on the dashboard,as well as the various reports within the dashboard. The user is a part of a role that has access to that dashboard. I tried adding just his user ID to that access, but it still didnt work. He has tried it in IE and Chrome. It was initially one user, but now we have an another user state they also ...
4 13608 3
by Kelly H

MA236 Criteria      

Started By  Kidd Kasper
Hello all, I have resources that would like to have a Crystal Report in LBI that essentially duplicates MA236. I've tried to pick through the logic of the program to pull all the criteria that it's using. Although I know programming logic in general, I've never learned Cobalt. What I have thus far is: apinvoice.rec_status in (0,1) apinvoice.match_status in (0,1) apinvoice.invoice_type not in ('C', 'D', 'R') apinvoice.mtch_proc_type in ('R', 'A') mainvdtl.r_status = 0 mainvdtl.matche...
0 4528 0

SQL query of AP230      

Started By  Deleted User
Can anybody share with me SQL query of AP230 Thanks a lot
2 5106 0
by klemmyjb

LBI Utilization      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, We are in the process of preparing for an LBI upgrade. As part of preparations, we would like to understand LBI report utilization, that is, how frequently are our 400 LBI reports in Production being used. Knowing this information will help us better prepare and prioritize our work. Is there a feature in LBI that will tell us how often each report is utilized, and perhaps by which Users or which User Security Groups Thank you!
2 6019 1
by Greg Moeller

SQL Query of GL90      

Started By  Michelle Hager
I have the below query and I can't seem to get the description of the inventory items. I'm mimicking GL90 can anyone help SELECT GLT.TO_COMPANY AS 'Co' ,CASE WHEN GLT.SYSTEM = 'AP' THEN(VEN.VENDOR) ELSE('N/A') END AS 'Vendor' ,CASE WHEN GLT.SYSTEM = 'AP' THEN(API.VOUCHER_NBR) ELSE('N/A') END AS 'Voucher' ,GLT.ACCT_UNIT AS 'Dept' ,GLT.SYSTEM AS 'System' ,GLT.ACCOUNT 'Account' ,GLC.ACCOUNT_DESC AS 'Acct Description' ,CASE WHEN GLT.SYSTEM = 'AP' THEN(APD.ORIG_BASE_AMT) ELSE...
1 6179 1
by Lesley

User cannot access her report      

Started By  Donna
Hi, The user has access to everything in the dashboard and module as well as the report but is not allowed to access the report after the v10 upgrade. She was running it prior to the upgrade. The user is both a report user and a member of a role on the report and on the dashboard published report. She can run anything else on the dashboard except this report. The default permissions are set up correctly. Error message is 'you do not have access to view the latest instance of this re...
1 5327 1
by Donna

Lost Report Connection      

Started By  Katy Prince
The Crystal Reports that I published into LBI were working fine then all of a sudden stopped working and started asking for credentials. Then they still won't run. I have other Crystal Reports that run fine (coming from a different database, not infor/Lawson). AND all of my smart notifications are working fine.
6 6752 2
by Donna

Export of user rights?      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Looking for anyone with experience in exporting existing LBI rights. We are in the middle of configuring our upgrade including a server update and a platform upgrade. We have a lot of rights and would hate to manually enter all of them again.
3 5627 0
by Greg Moeller

Parameters in LBI      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, I am using Crystal Reports (which is reading from a table in MS Access and is not an approved Data Source in LBI) to generate an LBI report. Because the report is using a data source that is not approved for distribution, the end users can only view it by selecting 'View this Instance' in the LBI report. I would like to add a parameter that allows the end-user to select multiple Process Levels. I have tried to add an LBI parameter, but it seems to only allow one Process Level and not multipl...
0 4692 2

Record selection formula - unexpected results      

Started By  JonA
I've got a report that links MMDIST ==> POLINE (ROJ) and POLINE ==> MAINVDTL (ROJ). I'm looking for all invoice payments for PO lines charged to our supply accounts, grouping the data by whether the line is associated with an agreement or not. The end result is a graph that shows contract/non-contract supply spend for the health system. My issue is that MMDIST has multiple posting types resulting in duplicate data. I found if I eliminate all data with a posting type of H1 I'm left with good da...
4 7841 0
by mikeP

Lawson Financials AR Report      

Started By  AnnePep
Hello, I am working on a report that I want to show the date an Acounts Receivable invoice was paid or 'applied'. Is there any system time stamp anywhere in Lawson with this information The only dates I see are deposit_date and gl_date on the ARAPPLIED record. These are driven by user input I believe. We wanted to create a metric using the date an invoice was acutally marked 'Paid' in the system (order to cash KPI) Has anyone created this What tables are you using Thank you for an...
0 4603 1

Dashboard Access Rights      

Started By  Katy Prince
I've set up a new dashboard and am trying to grant access rights to a group of users and it isn't working. Is there somewhere else that I need to grant dashboard rights other than in LBI when setting up the user access
3 6755 0
by Katy Prince

Oracle OLE DB datasource report to be changed to SQL datasource      

Started By  Donna
We were able to change the LBI Crystal reports that use the Lawson tables from the version 9 Oracle database source ODBC connection to the new version 10 SQL database source connection but we still have some SQL reports, OLE DB reports and some Lawson Standard reports. Has anyone else dealt with these reporting issues
1 4880 1
by Donna

Can you query this in LRS?      

Started By  Ronnie
I have been asked to check into querying our LRS for some info. We are wanting to see what users are tied to all of our reports. Sure I could go into each report and look and see what users and roles are assigned, and then go into security and see who is assigned to each of those roles, BUT we have almost 600 reports I have to query through. I have found the LRS database and tables, but I do not find the info where it shows what users and roles are assigned to the reports.
2 5529 2
by Joan Herzfeldt

Is it possible to use Crystal Enterprise instead of embeded Crystal RAS with LBI      

Started By  David Britton
We currently use the embedded Crystal RAS that came with LBI to run Crystal reports for Lawson 9.0.1. We are currently upgrading to Lawson 10 and LBI 10. We have purchased Crystal Enterprise (SAP 4.1 Enterprise BI Suite) to use as a 'global' reporting solution. Is it possible to configure LBI to use our Enterprise server rather than the embedded RAS Looking at the configuration steps for LBI 9.0.1 I found a requirement for Crystal Enterprise 10 Embedded Edition or Crystal Report Se...
4 5546 0
by petec

Essbase api      

Started By  brooke
Does anyone have the essbase api for AIX
0 4526 0

LBI Report Utilization      

Started By  thummel1
Hi, We are in the process of preparing for an LBI upgrade. As part of preparations, we would like to understand LBI report utilization, that is, how frequently are our 400 LBI reports in Production being used. Knowing this information will help us better prepare and prioritize our work. Is there a feature in LBI that will tell us how often each report is utilized, and perhaps by which Users or which User Security Groups Thank you!
8 7249 2
by Donna

Which database tables are used for storing LBI report dashboard group hierarchy data?      

Started By  mlarson
I'm new to LBI and trying to find out where report dashboard group hierarchy data is stored. For example, if I had a reports dashboard for clients and on that dashboard there are different groups containing links to run crystal reports. I found a good start for what to look for in the data dictionary on this site (https://www.lawsonguru.co...3/tables/index.html) but there is no data for these tables in my database.
3 6380 1
by Donna
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RE: SQL Help
by Greg Moeller
11/9/2023 2:49 PM