I have a report built from the review table that I post for all the managers to see - so that they know who is coming up due for an appraisal- and it also lists the reviews that have NOT been turned in late. Unfortunately- since the REVIEW table does not hold the jobcode or department field- I have to link the REVIEW table to the EMPLOYEE table to be able to get the job code and department information. Does anyone know of a way to make the correct jobcode/department that they are in at the time of the review link up to the review date? Any help with this would be appreciated! ~Thanks!
Unless I am missing something, you'd have to go to HRHISTORY with BEG_DATE to find out the 'effective date' since the current value of job code, for example, resides on the EMPLOYEE table. Sounds like a pretty involved report.
The main driving table should be PAEMPPOS and you go from there.