Email address of recipient in data of the note

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    I have an infoset which queries the lawson DB and returns pedning time records from the PRPENDTIME table as well as the employees email address. We then have a smartnote that sends a not the employee when the time has bee approved. The note is snet out based on the condition of having new items and the email address comes from one of the columns in the infoset. Is there a way I can send to the email adress from the infoset without including the email address in the data in the smart note? Currently you see your own email address in a note to yourself.

    Matthew Nye
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 514
    Veteran Member
      You want to use Table Parameters to suppress the email column, see Appendix B in the SmartNotes user guide.

      An Example would be:

      This string would be placed in the Options portion of the Notification on Step 4- Related Info

      If any of my answers were helpful an endorsement on LinkedIn would be much appriciated!
      Basic Member
      Posts: 15
      Basic Member
        Thanks that solved my issue.
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