SQL Help

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Greg Moeller
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We're trying to automate the documentation of Smart Notes Data Sources.
(I've found the Reporting Services, Override DSN, and Landmark Data Sources)

I've partially found the SN's entries-
gives me their names and desciptoins... but no other information.. Unless it's encoded in the ATTRBINARYVALUE field...

Can anyone help me out?
Greg Moeller
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Posts: 1498
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I got an answer on the Infor Communities page so thought I'd share here...

you might be better off selecting by EntryCategory = 5 (which is "Data Sources", according to the ENPCategories table). And yes, the actual data source definition is stored in the ATTRBINARYVALUE, which you can access by a bit of casting:
SELECT cast(substring(attrbinaryvalue,1, 500) as varchar(500)) from ENPTREEATTRS
WHERE entrycategory = 5
Greg Moeller
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Posts: 1498
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Here's the query that @Elliott came up with to help me out:

with CS (ConnectionString) as
select cast(cast(substring(attrbinaryvalue,1,550) as varchar(550)) as xml) as ConnectionString
from LawsonSN.dbo.ENPTREEATTRS
where attrcategory = 5
CS.ConnectionString.value('(/data_connection/name)[1]','varchar(50)') as DBName
,CS.ConnectionString.value('(/data_connection/jdbc_url)[1]','varchar(150)') as JDBCURL
,CS.ConnectionString.value('(/data_connection/jdbc_database)[1]','varchar(50)') as JDBCDatabase
,CS.ConnectionString.value('(/data_connection/jdbc_user)[1]','varchar(50)') as JDBCUser
from CS