Forum: Lawson M3 Supply Chain

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Adding lines to IC81      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I see the selections under the function code, but I'm not sure how to use the Insert function so that I can place an item exactly where I need it to be. Up until now, I typically run a query to pull the IC81, delete it from Lawson, modify the file and then use the Add In to put it back. I'm thinking there has to be an easier way, since we have items that change frequently.   Bev
3 39722 1
by JonA

Planning Date in MMS080      

Started By  ITSER
Hello all, In MMS100, there are two dates for a Distribution Order : the Transaction Date and the Receiving date.  In MMS080, I can see that the Planning Date is equal to the Receiving Date only when the DO is generated by the system. When a DO is created manually via MMS100, the Planning Date seen in MMS080 is equal to the Transaction Date. Can anyone help me to figure out why is it so I really have no clue. Thanks in advance !
0 2560 1

Orders linked to Production proposal      

Started By  KenP
First time poster...we are having an issue where some customer orders are creating LINKED mfg proposals when MRP is run.  Only occurring on a few customers and not all their orders are affected.  We have never used this functionality as we ship production randomly across many orders.  Shipping is not able to allocate inventory as it is ''locked'' to one specific order.   I cant find a setting to control this.  Since it is random, is it possible one of the order entry folks is doing something wro...
1 40844 0
by KenP

Anyone doing Voice-Picking in M3?      

Started By  SShaffer
Good Morning! Curious if anyone is doing 'voice-picking' in M3  Either something developed in-house or a commercial integration Regards, Steve
0 3011 0

Deleting Locations      

Started By  Paul L
Hi All I'm currently trying to delete some old locations on M3 to avoid confusion but I am unable to delete any locations that have information in the No. of balance Ids field in MMS010. Does anybody know where this information comes from or how I can delete these locations   Thanks in advance
0 3064 0

Received Purchase Orders      

Started By  Carey Allen
How do I see a list of purchase orders rceived in a date range (say, a monthly report of the POs received last month) Specifically, I want to know the deliveries I received on purchases I issued.
1 34161 0
by Kat V

Get debug log off MSCM Handheld unit      

Started By  DougEid
We seem to be having connectivity issues with Handhelds since updating to v10.1.8.21 recently (jumping several releases ahead).  I know somewhere around .16 a new Auth Tab secret key setting was implemented so some changes were made by Infor.  In order to support us, they asked that we turn Debug on for a HH and reproduce the issues and generate a log file.  Okay done that.  Now issue is how to get log file off HH in a Win10 environment.  Under XP the suggested method was to use ActiveSync, unde...
0 4251 0

Supplier Address on PO      

Started By  Sam Haidar
When assigning A Supplier address to a PO, sometimes we need to assign an address other then 01 address type from CRS622. So, when pressing F4 on the Address Number in Panel PPS200/G, only address type 01 shows up in the selection Popup. I have other addresses defined in CRS622 for that Supplier and I want to be able to select any of them. I am able to do this by clearing the Address number field and manually key in the Address in PPS200/G.  This does not seem right to me.  InforXtreme said tha...
0 4223 1

MWS980 Analyze and repair orphan allocations and negative allocations      

Started By  ScottCT
When running the Analyze and repair program we are seeing a lot of errors that are not repairable by MWS980 program.  The to most common are:  'The order line has an orphan allocation and a mismatch between subline quantities'  'Negative allocations are not allowed except for transaction types 31 (customer order issue) and 71 (service order issue)'     Has anyone else come across these issues and are able to fix these without a manual SQL update to the tables
0 5106 0

Change sorting order MWS070      

Started By  Michaela S
I am sorry to bother you guys with such a basic question but our 'IT Expert' in my company is totally useless person and I am just an M3 user without IT knowledge. I just asked her to change sorting order according to date (from ascending, that is default, which is quite stupid btw, to descending so that I can see the newest transaction of my selection on the top) in MWS070. Could you please confirm, that this is possible (she said 'M3 panel views cannot be changed to suit a particular user li...
1 37485 0
by ScottCT

Best Practices? Par Location & Bin Naming Convention      

Started By  kbert
Here's a VISUAL:   Imagine a 1' x 2' tote with 3 rows of 5 slots positions per row.  15 'Bins'. Each slot labeled from 01 - 15.  This tote sits on a shelf in a single par location   -or- Visualize a shelf with 5 bins with each bin having a divider in the middle (10 slots).       We are close to implementing INFOR and currently doing our INV MANAGEMENT setup.   I've been told that in Infor, a par location can not have more than 1 item in any given 'BIN'.  So in the case of having a sin...
1 36962 1
by TheWhitePanda

Check for Spare Stock      

Started By  John
Simple enough I would have thought (ho ho) An SKU's (item/Warehouse) standard replenishment method is to purchase. The replenishment planning process produces purchase orders which is fine. How can I get the software to check there is no excess inventory elsewhere in the network before placing the purchase order and, if there is some, create a distribution order instead
0 4567 0

Splitting of Customer orders at pick      

Started By  ROB
Hi, I am hoping someone has a fix for a problem we are encountering with M3.    Essentially the issue is that customer orders are splitting on several different pick slips/dispatch dockets, despite the order being keyed as one order with multiple lines; we find that the orders split with a number of lines on 1 pick slip and the balance of the lines appearing on another picking slip. This phenomena seems to be adhoc in nature and we cannot pin point why this is happening.    At one stage we t...
0 4267 0

Supply Chain Planning - How to?      

Started By  MrSam
5 warehouses, 3 factories (products are specific to a factory) 3 warehouses supply only customers 2 warehouses can supply customers and other warehouses   Need to link them together for planning purposes because otherwise stocks become imbalanced; product is manufactured when there is an excess in another warehouse.    I am not clear which bits to use and how to set them up. Is there some documentation somewhere or a case study or something  that might get me started   TFAI
0 5060 0

Demand Planner - Who is using it?      

Started By  Apoth
Demand Planner - Who is using it We are looking to possibly ramp up Demand Planner at our offices.  I am looking for others who are currently using it and their thoughts on it.  For those of you not using Demand Planner, what are you using for forecasting We are also looking for a contractor who has brought it live in a production environment for the first time.  Thanks
2 38009 0
by MrSam

Rq history report      

Started By  Carolina
Is there a way to create a report using MS add-in for RQ history by requester
1 36739 0
by Kat V

Add-Ins Failure, PO25.8      

Started By  Mark
I have tried every which way but upside down to get add-ins to enter information on the Manufacturer Agreement Reference line on PO25.8. This information can be accessed via PO25.1, LINES, ITEM DETAIL. I can enter information there and it saves in the form, just wont accept anything via Add-Ins.   Suggestions or Solutions anyone   Thanks,   Mark
0 4808 1

RQC visibility into RQ & PO status      

Started By  JuliaZag
We are looking for a way for the requester to have visibility into the details and status of purchase orders that were created for non-stock items via requisition in RQC.  Similarly, looking for the requester to have visibility into inventory tracked items that were 'killed'.    Once a requisition has been released in RQC, there does not appear to be any way to drill into the item status.  Ideally, this would be something that could be married into the RQC pages so the requester would only ha...
2 39218 1
by Massimo Emilione

Adding lines to IC81      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I see the selections under the function code, but I'm not sure how to use the Insert function so that I can place an item exactly where I need it to be. Up until now, I typically run a query to pull the IC81, delete it from Lawson, modify the file and then use the Add In to put it back. I'm thinking there has to be an easier way, since we have items that change frequently.   Bev
0 4948 0

Inventory Aging Report      

Started By  Ram
How do I run an Inventory Aging Report Thanks
0 5547 1

MSCM item number length?      

Started By  Russell Spreeman
We just went live on MSCM ( and we have item numbers in Lawson that are 3 and 4 characters long - but our handhelds won't scan them. Is there a setting for item number length that anyone can share or is there some config that the handheld would need to recognize a number that short as being within scope for scanning Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!
0 4766 0

Voice Picking Technology      

Started By  AnitaK
Our Distribution center is interested in voice picking technology for the lawson/infor mscm picking application, I checked with Lawson support and they said that it is not supported with mscm and we have to enter an enhancement request for that. Would like to know if anyone has any experience with any third party companies to implement the voice picking technology.
0 4745 0

Optio Software - RAD Printer Solution      

Started By  Marisol E
Are there any Infor/Lawson clients using Optio Software or similar for MSCM RAD We need to be able to print scan-able barcoded labels with some of the information that originates from our paper delivery ticket. ​Our designated RQC requesters are required to enter delivery location information into RQC when placing orders, which in turn, appears in our ‘Deliver To’ comments on the paper delivery ticket.  We don’t have any label size requirements other than the fact that we currently use a 2.25x4...
0 4562 0

MOS, SRP, MRO      

Started By  stevenb123
Hello All, Is there anyone using this site has any experience using the MOS/SRP/MRO modules in M3 I would really like to get chatting with some other users who are using this module to get an understanding of how this module has been implemented in other businesses. Regards, Steven Branigan
0 4970 0

M3 Item Service/Maintenance/Work Order Request/Inpsection/Complaints etc.      

Started By  stevenb123
Hi, I'm posting this here because there doesn't seem to be a dedicated forum thread on the topic (or maybe I am missing it). My company are getting ready to use the maintenance / servicing modules for items in the master table. Basically I am looking to get some feedback from people who have experience working with the SRP in M3. We are on version BE13.1, LSO 7. I know I can thrall through the companion and try testing everything in a test environment, but it would be nice...
0 4887 0
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