IC11 - possible to have stock UOM that is not lowest UOM?

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    Lawson S3 version 10.0.3.

    Is it possible to have the stock UOM not be the lowest UOM in IC11?

    For example: if an item has 2 UOM: EA and CA, can CA be assigned as the stock UOM without removing the EA UOM? The reason behind this logic is we issue the item by the CA from inventory, but our par locations will order (direct from the vendor) by the EA.

    Advanced Member
    Posts: 35
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      I realize the "Transaction Default UOM" in the reorder tab in IC12 can be changed to CA and this will accomplish what I asked in my previous post. However, if I want to run a inventory count, the count will use the EA (or the current stock UOM) UOM, which can be confusing.
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        Sorry no, the stock UOM is always the lowest UOM.
        Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
        Michelle Wetzel
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          Johnmac - completely agree. It is very confusing but unfortunately, there is no way around it. We have the same situation. Our main warehouse, STR, issues about 30 different items in a different UOM than our sterile processing department. Since SPD is by the each, STR has to also be by the each.

          I have each item tagged in the STR IC12 to issue by the correct unit of measure and I keep a list of the items so that I know to divide out the usage when we are looking at reports.

          The other issue we've run across is users who are smart enough to be trouble. In RQC you can see both units of measure (if you click on the UOM) and they've CHANGED the STR uom before to EA instead. This creates discrepancies and problems for the storeroom inventory coordinator (and me) as we try and fix it.

          Good luck -

          Kat V
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            Michelle - Do you have the reqs going through process flow approval? We put in things to make it painful/longer process for the users. Make IPA look at the UOM. If line UOM =/= IC12 UOM then route to buyer/warehouse manager.
            Michelle Wetzel
            Veteran Member
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              Thanks, Kat. We do use process flow - I will look into have our guys program a reroute of those reqs!