I need to run a report to pull in several fields for PO spend. I am familiar with running some reports, but I'm not sure of all the tables these fields are in and not sure how to link them to get all of the data needed.
If anyone has an example or a Crystal report already built they would be willing to share, I would greatly appreciate it!
Im not able to attach an example because for some reason, Lawson guru is not allowing me to do so.
Is there a standard Lawson report that can be run showing spend per vendor number?
There are several Jon, but willing to do without the fields that do not exist in Lawson.
Location Code,
Loc Description,
Cost Center (or Dept),
Dept Name,
Invoice #,
Invoice Line #,
PO Description,
PO Line #,
PO Line Item Unit price,
PO Line Item Qty,
PO Line Item Total price,
PO Issue Date,
Purchase Date,
Vendor #/Name, Part #,
Part Descr,
Manuf Name,
Manuf #, Vendor Name,
Item #,
Item Description,
GL Acct #,
GL Acct Description,
Contract name,
Payment #,
Invoice amt,
Invoice Gross amt,
Invoice Disc amt,
Invoice Net amt,
Invoice date,
Posted Date,
Invoice Header,
Invoice Line Description
Hey Jon,
I just found out that another person had also been asked for that data and the report has been run and sent. No need to spend any time with this. I already wasted enough non knowing someone else had already completed it.
Thanks anyway!
Don't you love that? We get that all the time in Purchasing. Someone calls for information and leaves the same message on three different buyers' voicemail. They all run around trying to get the information not realizing they're doing the same work!
Nothing worse than wasting my time at year end inventory prep. I'm trying to use my nice words. Failing miserably,....
Thanks Jon! Sorry for the time you spent too but always grateful when you respond!!