2 vendor items set as default in PO13.3

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Bev Edwards
Veteran Member
Posts: 366
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    One of our items somehow was set to have 2 vendor items as the default. Lawson will not allow me to inactivate or delete either one.
    When I attempt to delete, I get a message saying "another vendor item must be set as default."
    When I try to inactivate, the action is not allowed because I'm trying to inactivate an item set as a default item.

    Anyone ever run into this?

    See attachment...
    Veteran Member
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      Hi Bev,

      We temporarily had the same issue in our system and thankfully there were only 4 records that were affected.  Lawson had us install a new CTP and instructed us to create a paint screen to correct the records.  This was the only way to fix the issue in my experience.  

      Hope this helps!

      Stephanie Kowal | skowal@rpic.com
      Bev Edwards
      Veteran Member
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        Yep, that helps!

        Kinda what I thought would be the fix.

        Thank you!!
        Kat V
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          I've had some success replacing the items with "AAAAAA" and then inactivating the "new" value.
          The Alchemist
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            We had the same issue. Required the solution Stephanie mentioned, a patch from Lawson.
            Bev Edwards
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              I think I"m going to have to follow Stephanie's direction as well.

              Kat - I tried your suggestion, but the item I try to do the Replace/Inactivate on just barks at me saying it can't inactivate because its the default item.
              Bev Edwards
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 366
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                I dumped POVENITEM, but is there a quicker/better way to identify what other items there may be that would have 2 default vendor items in PO13?
                Veteran Member
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                  Hi Bev,  Do you use Crystal Reports?  I have a report you can utilize if so. 

                  Stephanie Kowal | skowal@rpic.com
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                    I've attached the report.  I suppose you could do the same in excel but this was created to help monitor ongoing, rather than complete an analysis each time. 
                    Stephanie Kowal | skowal@rpic.com
                    Bev Edwards
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 366
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                      Hi Stephanie,
                      I'm a novice with Crystal but I'm familiar with manipulating some of the reportswe have for my own purposes. Can you send me what you have?

                      Veteran Member
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                        Hi Bev,

                        The attachment was sent in the previous post.  If you have any issues, feel free to contact me at stephanie.kowal@bhs.org.

                        Stephanie Kowal | skowal@rpic.com
                        Veteran Member
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                          I would dump all records in POITEMVEN where DEFAULT_FLG = 1 into Excel. The only fields you need are ITEM, VENDOR and VEN_ITEM. Then concatenate ITEM and VENDOR: =A1&B1 in column D and sort the data by this column.

                          Write an IF statement in E1: =IF(D1=D2,TRUE,FALSE) and copy and paste this down the rows of data. Highlight/select the entire column E and run a FIND to search for the cells where the formula results in TRUE. This will identify the records with more than one default.
                          Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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                            But the Crystal report will work better if you have that ability.
                            Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health