Cannot change UOM. UOM used by item location

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    This seemingly simple error is giving me a huge headache. 


    A user notified me stating they were having issues counting by the BX in IC72. I checked IC11 and noticed that the tracking flag was on for both BX and EA. When I tried to remove the tracking flag on BX, it stated that the UOM was used by item locations.


    Ok. No big deal. Just run an IC12 across all companies and change the UOM fields.


    So I did that. All locations default src and transaction UOMs were modified from BX to EA (including IC81 locs). When I went to remove the tracking flag I still received the same error though. I went through each warehouse location and checked the drill around->details to see if anyone had any stock by the BX but I couldn't see any.



    Kat V
    Veteran Member
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      You cannot change the tracking flag once POs or IC transactions have occurred. We end up inactivating the item and giving it a new Lawson item number.

      You can try flipping the flag for open transactions on IC00 but I think you're stuck.
      Bill Ianni
      Veteran Member
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        The Tracking flag should be at the stock UOM. If set on more than one UOM, it will likely cause an error on MSCM devices. It sounds like you a location exists where the value is still assigned. Dump the ITEMLOC table and check all records. Also, the tracking flag cannot be changed if quantities exist or transactions are still open. I believe that includes PO's (even if the IC00 flag is set to Allow Changes). Sometimes, there are transactions that get orphaned over time, and you have to paint those out.
        Veteran Member
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          Posted By Kat V on 12/19/2016 12:54 PM
          You cannot change the tracking flag once POs or IC transactions have occurred. We end up inactivating the item and giving it a new Lawson item number.

          You can try flipping the flag for open transactions on IC00 but I think you're stuck.

          *barf* thanks...