With Kreisers now becoming Concordance, we need to change all of our vendor numbers. They used to use the mfg # for the vendor #, but now they have given each item its own individual #. Is there any easy way to change this is PO25? Or do I need to put each item on HOLD and give it a new vendor #? (I cannot just change the vendor # in PO25 that I can tell.) I would also like to put the numbers into PO13 (vendor items.)
Once I put an item on HOLD, does it just stay that way forever?
I have found that if I cannot put an item on HOLD, I need to look in PO23 and IC66 for that item.
WOOHOO! This seems to be working! Is there any way to run a report of items by vendor? I can start chipping away at that list in a more organized fashion.
Thru experimentation, based on your input, my buyer may have found an easier way.
Go to PO13.3 (enter item# and vendor, INQUIRE)
The incorrect vendor item should appear.
FC (R) Replace and Inactivate.
A screen will pop up where you put the correct vendor #.
Inquire. It will set the new vendor item # to default. It will also REPLACE the vendor # in PO25 under that Vendor Agreement. (We have a LOT of manual work to do there since many items are under KREISERS and not the actual contract #)
Can you think of any reason why this would be an issue? We would still need to put the mfg info in PO13. That is not a huge issue. (As long as there is NO mfg # and not the WRONG mfg #)
I apologize for the confusion. I am not changing vendors, I am changing the Vendor number for an item. (same vendor, just a different reorder number for an item.)
But, on the bright side, I now know how to do both! LOL
Hey LaDora - definitely use the "R". This will switch out the part numbers on both the PO13.3 AND every single PO25 the item is currently on for that vendor.
Kat was talking about using add-ins to do this, do you have access to that?
Sorry - I missed this.
Yes, I was referring to uploading the changes in bulk from Excel. You are correct. You can use FC R (Replace) on PO13.3 - See attached steps.
I think you all are at a higher operational level than me. I've no idea what you are talking about. I am a supervisor in a rural hospital with 6 other people in my department. We HAD a Lawson support person, but she changed jobs when I started this position. (5 months ago) Our support is the facility that we have a "management agreement" with. I do not think any of them are quite at the expertise level as you all. I appreciate all of you helping me but I feel real dumb sometimes because I cannot follow some of your suggestions.
Kat was able to give me the step by step I needed.
Now I know to preface my inquiries with DUMB IT DOWN. LOL!
thank you!
Sorry, just saw the changing vendors and not vendor # so ignore my response. For the AP vendor, we just upload the items to the new vendor with it's new vendor cat # and it automatically puts a PO13 record for you.