Cycle Count Accuracy

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We're looking to create a custom report for cycle count accuracy.  I know there's an ICACCURACY table but we're wanting to get down into the items themselves.  Do historical item counts get stored somewhere?  I cant seem to find that table.
Kat V
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On ITEMLOC table are LAST_COUNT_DT and CNT_ACCURACY fields that will tell you that by item.
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Thanks Kat.  Is there a table the stores the actual counts?
Mike Bernhard
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I don't believe so.  I haven't looked into this since version 9.x, but in the past it has been a bit challenging to analyze this.


As mentioned above, you can get the last count date.  From there you can use ICTRANS to find PI adjustments.  When there is no adjustment the count was 100% accurate. Unfortunately, ICTRANS does not record PI COUNTS unless there is an adjustment

Kat V
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Yeah - *while they're frozen* you can monitor the counts on ICFREEZE, but the second you post IC175, it becomes a PI transaction. You can see it on the ICTRANS table, but it's the result, not the count. You have to add SOH_QTY to QUANTITY to get the count.

For example - I go to the shelf and count 5 on an item. This creates a +1 Transaction. On the ICTRANS, SOH_QTY: 4, QUANTITY: 1
Or if we were short: Count 3 creates: SOH_QTY: 4, QUANTITY: -1

Look for Doc Type "PI" and you should see them, but I don't know how to find the "last" one and it won't show at all if the count was correct..