Deleted Bulk Cart locations

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Bev Edwards
Veteran Member
Posts: 366
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    Does anyone know the best way to re-create an IC81 location if it has been deleted?

    I was deleting items via an add in and did not put the line location. I'm guessing this is the reason the entire IC81 was erased.

    I'm sure there is purchase history for the items. They are purchased on a nearly daily basis. I'm not sure how to go about pulling that information together to build the location from scratch.

    I was able to take an old file and create the locations for the time being with the majority of item I know exist on them, but it's not complete and many items are missing.

    Any help would be appreciated GREATLY!!

    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1163
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      Does your IT copy production data to your test system periodically? Depending on the last date of the copy I might start there- query the same location in test. Or you could query the ICAUDIT table in prod to see the items that were added after the location was created. Probably won't be able to retrieve the par level, uom or source info though but at least you'll have the items. But I believe ICAUDIT won't show the items added if they were added using IC840.
      Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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      Posts: 8
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        Hi there Bev. You can create a query using the REQHEADER and REQLINE tables to pull what items were requisitioned against your par/req location. Also, you can enter a date range using the CREATION_DATE field from the REQHEADER table to narrow down requisition transaction detail. Once you extract the data, you can create a unique item list to see any missing items you need to add. This of course will not provide you the par level or valid buy UOM, but it will at least identify the items that have been requisitioned against your deleted par/req loc.
        I've experienced this myself and actually created daily par loc data pulls which are archived every morning. Just in case someone deleted a par loc on accident, I am able to upload the par loc detail in a matter of minutes. All my morning par loc detail extracts are being pulled via Microsoft Access ODBC connection and query is setup in the upload format. Hope this helps on re-creating your par/rec loc.