Hey All,
I was wondering if any of you are using the Remit to substitution function and hopefully someone could explain to me exactly where it's grabbing the Lawson Value.
Scanario: We have Abbott all under a single vendor number with multiple purchase from locations. For example Abbott Vascular is P005 and Abbott Nutrition is P005. The invoices for these come in with a Remit to of Abbott Labs and apparently this causes our AP processor in charge of EDI vendors to have to manually change the Remit To for invoices from these trading partners prior to payment. I'm wondering if this is the correct application for the substitution table entry and if so, where are we setting up the Remit to code?
I know that the external value is in Segment 04 but just need to figure out where and what to setup to get it to work correctly.
N1^RE^ABBOTT NUTRITION^91^0042831150114~
N3^P.O Box 92679~
Any ideas or information would be greatly appreciated.