Epic/Lawson Data

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Anyone pulling data out of Epic and marrying it to Lawson supply cost data to create dashboards?  We've been looking for a way to do this even pre-Epic when we had Cerner.  We want to be able to see supply cost per procedure per physician with outcomes (length of stay, re-admissions, complications) and bring in patient demographics.  Can you use Epic's data warehouse, Caboodle to do this?

We are already interfacing supply data from Lawson to Epic daily so I would think Epic would have all the data we need.

Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Kat V
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Because our interface has supply cost in it, my counterpart in Epic Optime built her own - yes, with Caboodle. They have physician procedure costs, patient demo procedure costs etc. So it should be possible from your side to get to it.
Massimo Emilione
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In theory, if you can find the Epic data in a database then you can combine this info with your Lawson data within LBI or Birst. My preference would be to use Birst as it has a simple to understand modeling system to load any data source to create a star schema and great visualizations to describe your data's story. Let me know if I can help you out.
Denise E.J.
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Jon A
where in Lawson is Epic pulling the supply information from.

We are implementing EPIC at our hospital and I need to know how the inventory items need to be set up in Lawson. Is Epic pulling from the IC12 inventory locations in Lawson? I was asked to combine 3 of the OR departments into one location, but each of those OR Departments have different Cost Centers. When setting up inventory locations in Lawson we have to put a cost center in IC02.
Has anyone else come across this issue if so how did you resolve it?
I need to set up three different locations:
The OR locations
The CathLab location (which will include IR)
The non-procedural items
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Our interface is unidirectional (Lawson ==> Epic). We're pulling the data from IC11 mostly. I have a sql query set up to pull fields from several tables.

ITEMMAST.USER_FIELD3, [this field stores the Supply Category]
ITEMMAST.USER_FIELD4, [this field stores the Implant Type (if supply category = IMPLANT)]
ITEMMAST.USER_FIELD5, [this field stores a code that tells the interface to create a BAL record for our ORs and Cath Labs in Epic]
ITEMMAST.USER_FIELD_N1, [this field stores the patient use unit cost (updated manually q 3 mos)]

Our Cath Lab and OR/SPD locations are not perpetual.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Kat V
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Our interface to Epic is also a one-way custom SQL. It's similar to Jon's except we use:
ITEMMAST.USE_IDENTIFIER instead of ITEMMASTUSER_FIELD3 for Supply Category (Supply or Implant)
ITEMMAST.GENERIC instead of ITEMMAST.USER_FIELD4 for Supply/Implant Type
And our SQL does math to get the unit cost.

For Epic to talk back to Lawson, you would need to get it to give you something that can be used to populate an RQ500 (request inventory to be allocated) or IC500 (just flat out issue it out when the job runs). I think which one works best would be the timing. Are they going to pick from Lawson (RQ500) or from Epic and then tell Lawson what was used (IC500)?
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I was going to use the ITEMMAST.USE_IDENTIFIER for the supply category originally but the OR wanted more categories than that could handle...we have 70 supply categories and 40 implant types.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Denise E.J.
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Thank you for your responses
My understanding is that they will be picking from Lawson. IF they use the Item Master that would be great. The Epic folks are telling me it should be a PAR or Inventory location.
Where did you set up the items in ic12 or IC81, they want to combine several departments into one PAR or Inventory location and in order to do that I would have to have an accounting unit - each of our OR departments have different accounting units
Kat V
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If they are picking from Lawson, the IC12 is the entire surgical suite and the IC81s relate to their procedure preference cards. They would most definitely need to use Lawson Items. Lawson IC will not accept anything else. If they think otherwise, I would demand a client reference call to figure out how.

As we are not picking from Lawson, I'm using IC12 only.
Denise E.J.
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Thanks Kat, I think IC12 is what we are going to use.
Erik G.
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We use a custom SQL that pulls data from mostly from IC11 with some from IC12. For Supply types we use Inventory Classes to designate if its a supply or implant and then what type IE: Implant Screw. We use Lawson pars to designate what goes into Epic and for what areas. This allows us to control what items are available in each section.
Denise E.J.
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Erik, how many PARs do you have set up for epic? do you have one for each department?
Erik G.
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Denise, based on how we are structured we ended up with 11 epic pars at go live.  Our breakdown is as follows:

One for IP Surgery

One for IP Endoscopy

One for OP Surgery

One for OP Endoscopy

One for our IR Department

One for Labor and Delivery

Three Cath Lab pars (this was done to replicate our old Optiflex setup)

One Vascular Surgery Par

and One catch all for Heart Services 


In our experience we have found that our two Endo pars as well as our IR and Labor pars require very little maintenance.  The rest require at least weekly attention by our item builder.