I added an IC11 item and it is a Contract PO25.6 line.
Buyers placed PO20's against this Contract line (and the IC11 number).
I attempted to change the unit of measure and price manually am via an upload but was unsuccessful.
Is it even possilbe to change change the UOM in IC11 when it is in PO25.6 and a PO2O was issued with the IC11 number?
Thank you.
Thanks. You have helped me in the past.
Would it be correct to say that changing UOM's would not be complicated if PO20 orders had not been placed against this IC11 item? If so, then I could simply delete the Contract line, change the IC11 UOM, and re-add the Contract line back in 25.6?
DuPage is new to 25.6 Contracts, and so am I.There have been numerous pricing and decription changes, and now, users want to change UOM's too, which as described, is a lot more complicated.
When you say Business Case, I assume you mean with Lawson Support?
The department throught they were purchasing the item, 100 at a time.
Now they want to buy in smaller quantities, say 2, or 10 at a time, so they wanted to change from per 100 to each.
Thanks Kat V, I will try this.
I'll assume that EA is the only uom for these items currently since you need to change the agreement lines from EA to PC. I would add a "dummy" uom like BX to the items first making sure to add this a valid buy uom if you have open PO lines. If there are any PO lines that have not been received you can change the uom to BX for now. If there's receipt or invoice activity on those lines it might be best to just let those close out before you update IC11 for those items. Now change the uom in any pars or templates to BX. If EA is hard coded on any IC12 or PO13 records, blank out those fields. Then change the stock uom on the MAIN tab in IC11 to PC and add PC on the UOM tab in IC11. Your UOM set up will look like this.
Change the uom in PO15, IC81 and PO25.6 to PC. Add PC to PO13 and IC12 if necessary. Now you can inactivate EA and remove BX on the UOM tab in IC11.