Integrating Value Analysis?

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For healthcare organizations using Lawson, how are you integrating value analysis processes? For instance, how do you manage the introduction of new items? Are any value analysis processes/functions being carried out within the system itself, or are value analysis activities happening outside Lawson? Any thoughts are appreciated!

Kat V
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Most of the Value Analysis happens external to Lawson. We have them approving all tickets to add items to the item master and they are going to route all such requests through ECRI's ValuVu in the near future.

For items requiring trials - we do load those into Lawson tied to a price file set to expire when the trial deadline is. If the trial was rejected, the items are inactivated, if approved, they get moved to the appropriate pricing contract. This lets us get some measurable like "We created x number of trial items and kept y number of them" but as I said, the bulk of it occurs in committee meetings and external to Lawson.

We do not have Contract Management or Strategic Sourcing - but I'm not sure what in S3 *could* be used for Value Analysis?
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Thanks very much for your perspective, Kat! I think you've hit the nail on the head. The healthcare organization I'm working with is very much in the exploratory phase, so trying to figure out the full extent of what could be leveraged for value analysis. Processes for items being trialed is a great example, though!

Steve M
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Lawson FSM (Version 11) has a built in value analysis process, which allows for review assignment and Requisition creation for Trials, as well as allowing both Requester and Suppliers to create the Item Proposals. 

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While I was supporting supply chain at Mayo Clinic, there was a number of criteria that determined item adds in the system. Among those included contract additions and obligations, item usage over a specified time frame, patient care impact, availability and costs. I am certain I am missing a couple but usage and contractual obligations were at the top of that list. If it was something used in surgery then the engagement of the affected department (department head, surgeons, etc...) would be involved. All of this other than usage as a special order item were outside of Lawson.