Due to changes made in the V10 upgrade we no longer see useful User ID's when we run IC191/IC91. All we get are the first 10 characters of our company name in IC191 and the NT00000*** in IC91. Because of this I have created a simple Report Builder report that mimics the IC191 and then compares the NT number to a cross reference of actual user names maintained by our IT dept. This works very well and gets me exactly what I want with one exception, it will not show when the item was added to the item master. When running IC191 if the date range includes the date the item number was created it will show the Before field as "Item master added - IC11-maint" along with the date and user that created it. So my question is does anybody know where in the ICAUDIT/ICDICT tables this information is stored and what would I need to do to pull it in to the report?
Thank you so much Stephanie! It was the lack of field number causing the issue. Switched it to Left Outer and problem solved.
Jon - I believe the issue is specific to NT!
Jason - No problem! :-)