Lawson Tracking Barcode- Can it be replicated?

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    So in an attempt to give our Recieving group a user friendly delivery ticket out of MSCM, we are trying to duplicate the "LTxxxxxxxxx" barcode that prints on the current document.

    Just duplicating it as is does not work when trying to retrieve the delivery package in RAD.  Does anyone have any idea on what hidden values are being included in the Lawson barcode that I'm not able to see when I scan their barcode in Word? 

    Any ideas? 
    Mike Bernhard
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 101
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      Hi Cam
      There are no hidden characters. If you scan the barcode into word you will see all the characters. The issue is most likely related to the "barcode standard" you are using (code 39, code 128, UPC, etc). I forget which code mscm uses but check the admin guide and it should tell you. Then just make sure your report developer uses that standard in their custom delivery ticket.

      Michael Bernhard
      443.744.2204 (c)

      On May 18, 2012, at 9:47 AM, "" > wrote:

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      Lawson Tracking Barcode- Can it be replicated?
      Posted by: CamM
      05/18/2012 08:41 AM
      So in an attempt to give our Recieving group a user friendly delivery ticket out of MSCM, we are trying to duplicate the "LTxxxxxxxxx" barcode that prints on the current document.

      Just duplicating it as is does not work when trying to retrieve the delivery package in RAD. Does anyone have any idea on what hidden values are being included in the Lawson barcode that I'm not able to see when I scan their barcode in Word?

      Any ideas?

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      Posts: 3
         For word bar code scanning, I've no any idea. I also only test .net bar code scanning. Did you find word bar code scanner? Hope anyone can share.