Hello again Dennis!
We also deal with the Price Variance's every month and what you say is true. If there is any cost difference from what is on the PO or what cost the item was received in at vs. the Invoice paid cost approved via a cost message it will show up on the variance report for the cost center you have set up in IC04.1 under the General Ledger Category set up. In your hospital's set up if you still only use IC12 for inventory items only I believe it "might" only affect your inventory type items. Here at Childrens we create an IC12 for every Lawson item for our Dallas Location and our Plano Location (for now the only two anyway). So it all hits our variance even if the item is non-stock and our department takes the hit based on the set up and our cost center being under that GL category. We are brainstorming ways to tie those charges or credits back to the departments and I think I heard that you do not have to put a cost center or account unit in the variance field and possibly that solves the issue and the variances go back to the requesting dept., but I am not positive about that nor have i tested it.