Negative Allocations

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Has anyone found negative allocations for items in inventory?  Every so often we find these and I can't find a reason for it.  I've compared all requisitions for the item to shipments and found that either the full amount was shipped, or there was a partial shipment, or killed/voided- all quantities are accounted for.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Kat V
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We have some setup not to allow it and we've had issues releasing things because Lawson thinks it would create them - even when everything to us looks fine. But as a result I've never actually seen one do it.
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I've occasionally had a negative allocation show up at my previous job.  There was usually an orphaned demand record out there on it.  Once the problematic demand record is deleted, the negative allocation goes away.  I haven't seen one in quite a long time, so it's getting fuzzy as to how we cleaned that up...
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We clean it up by quickpainting the ITEMLOC.ALLOC_QTY field to 0. But I'd like to find out what's causing it. I thought it could be an orphaned demand but I looked at every req for this item and all quantities were processed properly.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Kat V
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Negative allocations sound like returns coming back through the warehouse or transfers maybe? I tried to find out when it gives the error message that it can't release a req because it would create negatives, but cannot. Please take the following with a large grain of salt - our notes from the 1998 Lawson go live are notoriously inaccurate! On IC01 the notes from my predecessors are - Rules Tab --> Allow Negative Stock On Hand: N with no additional comment but on the Available tab I have a note that "All are BLANK/IGNORE. NEVER USE SUBTRACT/NEGATIVES. DO NOT ADD!" but the note is about speed picking?
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Need help in understanding what can cause a negative allocation? If the IC01 - Rules Tab --> Allow Negative Stock On Hand is set to N. What other setup requirements in IC01 needs to be flag correctly to stop negative allocations?
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Unfortunately I have not been able to discover the cause. Our inventory manager notifies me when she sees a negative allocation and we correct it using IC99.2.
Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
Janet Malavet
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Hi all, I did the paint screen IC99.2 but somehow Lawson still thinking I have a pending order. I have a requistion with a shipment number and the shipment number was closed on WH32.2 but for some reason the requisition doesn't show as closed. I'm trying to inactivate an inventory location; I was able to remove the negative allocation using the IC99.2 but when I try to change the inventory flag from Y to N and the Bin Tracking from Y to N I'm getting an error message "Cannot change bin track flag - Open documents exist" Has anyone seen this before? I don't know how to fix this.
David Williams
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Check the WH Demand forms.
David Williams
Janet Malavet
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I want to share what I had to do to eliminate the negative locations and also close out the demands requisitions.


For the correction, please follow the steps below, this is using Quickpaints. 1. Go to RQ99.2 > inquire the company, requisition and line (affected item) > in Control Tab put "Y" in "Closed Fl" - then change 2. If this is the only item in RQ, you may also want to go to RQ99.1 > inquire the company and requisition (req number) > in Process tab put "Y" in "Closed Flag" 3. Double check in RQ44 if the status of header and line are closed 3. Go to IC99.2 > Ensure not to have value in "Allocated qty field" 4. Please check IC31, IC42 and IC45 if all are correct