Pick for PAR

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Looking to see if someone can explain to me what Pick for PAR is within MSCM.  We've never used it but would like to see if others utilize it and what it's purpose is.
Kat V
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It's the mobile version of the WH32 screen. If you are running WH132s to close your shipments, then you wouldn't use it.
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When a par is counted, the pick shows up directly in mscm pick for par - no requisition, no waiting, no allocation. Only the issue after picking comes to the backoffice. We prefer to create a requisition so the inventory is allocated and all picking is consistent rather than 2 different ways of doing it.
Kurt L Guldner
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Pick for Par bypasses pick tickets and and doesn't take into account inventory that has already been allocated. Basically just talks between two handhelds, one on the unit scanning and someone down in the storeroom "Picking for Par"

So basically if someone has already ordered product on a requisition that would allocate the inventory to them and then "Picking for Par" would have no idea that has taken place and they would steal their inventory. Also what we found when we originally used it is if they send the order and something messes up on the network inbetween the order would be lost vs using the WH130 functionality it would be on the Lawson server creating a pick ticket and allocating that stock.
Kurt L. Guldner Supervisor Supply Chain Data Informatics UnityPoint Health kurt.guldner@unitypoint.org