Is it possible to add a note to every PO created so that the PO number is clearly visible on the outside of every parcel or box, in addition to being on the Packing Slip?
Items will not be delivered without a PO number clearly visible on the outside of our packages, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this or if can even be done through a Lawson process.
This is something my director is asking to have done, so I posed the same question back to him.
I'd assume this is something very beneficial in situations where the vendor ships multiple orders shrink wrapped within a pallet...probably most significant with shipments from distributors. Having the PO# on the box is very helpful to receiving staff in these situations.
Here is the reasoning behind why we want to do this that my director sent to me:
The problem comes when we send the product to the Department or individual staff member whose name is on the delivery ticket, have them sign for the goods then ask them to get back to Receiving staff with the PO # so we can close out that PO. They typically do not do this step and the open item shows up on the INR Report. We can't receive the item if we don't have the authorization to receive that item on behalf of the product requisitioner. So, it sits open & unpaid when it has already been physically received, but not in Lawson. The loop is not closed and Receiving is to blame because "They didn't receive it".