I have an item that I need to change the Stock Unit of Measure (IC11) from SL to PK, but I'm getting a message Quantities exist at location; cannot change.
The only place I see the SL uom is on an old agreement now on hold.
I removed the hold, tried to change it in PO25.6 and received the message Vendor 1990 R1 location is inactive.
How do I get to the R1 location??
I don't have access to IC40, but I have requested it. Thank you for letting me know about that report.
I ran a query on all locations from the ITEMLOC table and I changed all the uoms to PK, so I don't know what the IC40 report will show me that the ITEMLOC table isn't.
The only place left I see SL at is on a pricing agreement in PO25.6.