Hi All
We have our process concerning receiving goods from the outside and into Lawson. We also have our process for managing the packing lists from all of the incoming receipts. We are wondering how some of the other Lawson users manage the incoming goods and the paperwork associated with the receipt.
Right now, we enter the incoming info in PO30. Once the PO number is released, we write on the packing list: the receiver number, date and signature. Then, we have a pile of packing lists at the end of the day. Then, we file the packing lists in a file cabinet.
There is a lot of manual work in this process, That is why I was hoping to get a more modern thought process. One question in particular I have: Is it possible to scan an image of a packing list and somehow attach that image to a specific receiver in Lawson? Then, if we need to refer pack to that packing list, it will be right there in Lawson. No need to try to find it in some file cabinet or in an offsite archive somewhere.
How do you do this at your company?
Thanks in advance