We are in the process of updating our manual Capital Requisition process. Have any other customers used RQC for Capital? We have requirements to obtain approvals from Biomed, Facilities Enginieering and IT before a Capital can be processed. We also would like to keep all source documentation associated with the capital purchase attached to the request as needed.
Does your finance have activities in use for capitals? This is a great way to track to project budget and requisitions can be processed via RQC/RQ10 to include this detail. Approval workflows can be structured around the activity entered to then route to the appropriate cost center or identified hierarchy for approval - which would likely be different than the requesting locations account unit which would be used in regular/everyday requisition requests.
You can also create an RQC customization to help default the PO Code for the requester as part of the Requisition Center bookmark.
Hey Michelle,
Our requesters use RQC primarily, there are a few that use RQ10, but we strongly encourage the use of RQC. It's more user friendly and provides more detail, especially for stock items (IE, SOH/Allocatable quantities).
From my understanding, the PO code is set at the line level, not the header in regards to the req. I was looking on the REQHEADER table and did not see the PO-CODE value but it does exist on the REQLINE table.
If a requester uses a PO code in the req, the PO100 job recognizes that and will auto pull that PO code into the PO itself. So there is no manually intervention required by the buyer in regards to the PO code. It can still be added/updated if necessary, but if it's in the req, the PO100 job will pull it through to the PO.
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