Shopping for new MSCM Handhelds - to be supported or not supported?

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Michelle Wetzel
Veteran Member
Posts: 183
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    We are looking at getting new handhelds and I was wondering if anyone had any luck (good or bad) with devices that were not on the supported list by Lawson.  We use MSCM for receiving, delivery, picking, par counting and issues.

    Your thoughts?

    Thanks! Michelle

    Bev Edwards
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 366
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      Hey Michelle!

      We use the Motorola MC55A0. We purchased them from a company called RMS Omega. Their support team is very responsive and helpful.

      On a side note, I meant to get a business card from you at Inforum and didn't.

      Can you send me your email address?

      I'm at




      Bev Edwards
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 366
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        Ed Prettyman is our sales rep.

        He can be reached at

        We ordered our hand helds back in March 2012. They were 495.00 a piece at that time. The cradles necessary for charging were $60 a piece and a 3yr Service contract was 190.00.

        Hope that helps!




        Greg Moeller
        Veteran Member
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          We've got a Lawson partner that we buy all of our handhelds from. Call
          Chris Kane at Emkat

          We've recently upgraded ours and are using the Dolphin 99EXhc (hc stands for Health Care - they are supposedly made up of more resistant (to cleaners) plastic, and have been nothing but pleased with the company!
          Veteran Member
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            Bev- you must have gotten those used/refurbished.

            We went from the Dolphin 9550 to the Motorola MC75A in 2008. They worked great up until about 6 months ago when many of them started having display issues. Some portion of the display became obscured with a block of thin vertical lines. You could still tap the screen where the buttons existed behind the block if you knew where they were. I sent one in to Peak-Ryzek, the supplier we bought the units from, of course the warranty had run out, but later found out they just sent it to Motorola and charged us $200 more than Motorola charged them for the repair. So they got $200 from us just for forwarding the unit to Motorola. Subsequent units I sent to Motorola directly. I've received 6 back repaired now and in the process they upgraded the Windows Mobile OS to v. 6.5. Now I'm having issues with the wi-fi connection dropping as the staff moves from area to area. When there's no network detected the wi-fi on the device turns off. If the staff doesn't notice that there's no connection and tries to upload their counts the MSCM client attempts to send the counts with the wi-fi off and the progress bar just loops.
            Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
            Brian Dittman
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              We are also shopping for new handhelds, since our impending upgrade will bring an end to our use of the MC70.  We already have a few MC75s, but at Inforum 2014, one of Infor's engineers advised that the Motorola MC65 was the best way to go.  Does anyone have any feedback on this model?

              As an alternative, there is some thought coming from our Materials users to bringing some touch tablets into the mix.  Does anyone have any experience trying to use something of this sort?  We are envisioning a device like the Surface onto which we could install Windows Mobile 6.5.