SIS and RQ500

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    We are looking for interfacing with the SIS system to receive item usage and decrement our inventory with the RQ500 interface. I have a few questions regarding this process. 


    1. Has anyone already done this? I'm looking for anyone who might be able to help help with the decrementing of the inventory.

    2. I was advised by our support that there is no HL7 inbound for the aforementioned process. Can anyone else speak to this? I saw some references to IC511 on here. 


    Please let me know if anyone might be able to help out. 

    Kat V
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      What is SIS?

      IC511 is an outbound FROM Lawson to some other system. It does not seem to apply to your case.
      RQ500 is the inbound file format. SIS will need to provide the file to the Lawson server, and your IT will need to schedule the RQ500 to run. We have several Carefusion Pyxis machines that decrement the Lawson stock on hand values.
      HL7 is just a format for text files - again outbound. Lawson doesn't require inbound files to be in HL7 format.
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        We use RQ500 to decrement our surgical system's inventory (Epic Optime). We run a customized version of IC527 to send the supplies to Optime. Once cases are logged, the chargeable, stocked supplies come out of Optime in the RQ500 format. RQ500 runs to create requisitions. Those become pick lists that decrement the inventory once processed.
        Mike Bernhard
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          There are 2 options - you can run RQ500 to create inventory requisitions and then you can run WH132 to auto process the requisitions (batch job) - or you could print (WH130) and then manually review and release the reqs in WH32.x.

          Or you can run IC500 - this will decrement in one step.

          If you go down this road, it's a very challenging process to manage especially for OR items since you will inherently have lots of returns; I suspect you know what you are taking on, so I am not trying to talk you out of it. Just stating the obvious I suppose. In any event, I am experienced with these jobs and can help if you need consulting assistance.
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            We opted for a third option to interface with our Cath Lab/Interventional system. We use ProcessFlow to process a simple csv file into a requisition. The file only contains the item number and quantity used and is generated when the encounter/case is closed. PF calls RQ10 and uses a Par location as the req location so everything else defaults. Then WH130/WH32 for the inventory items.
            Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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              We have Omnicell and use RQ511 to read an HL7 file from them for ordering. The file out of RQ511 is then processed by RQ500 to create the requisitions. We don't send anything back.
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                We use Pyxis (Carefusion) and bring in their file with RQ500 and then run WH130 to create the picklists and Purchase orders.


                Mike Bernhard
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                  SVR-many of the approaches offered above lead you towards RQ500 which does not automatically decrement.  Most orgs follow RQ500 with WH130 and WH32.x.  But keep in mind that you can run the batch job (WH132) to achieve automatic decrementing if you like. Please don't let anyone talk you into using PF to automate the WH32.x process.  It's an ill-fated approach in my opinion.

                  Again, it's a very challenging process to manage - it won't be touchless that's for sure.

                  Mike Bernhard
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                    Just to be clear - what JonA offered above is a fine use of PF.  I am just recommending that you don't try to use PF to process the pick tickets after they are printed.

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                      Absolutely. The only part of our process that's automated is the transfer of the data file from the Cath Lab system to Lawson and the conversion to a req via PF. We don't even release the req in PF because the Inventory Coordinator wants to review it before release. So from RQ10 release through WH32 it's still all manual.
                      Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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                        Mike - We are actually already using WH132 to automate some other process -- I had read elsewhere on these forums that the implementation required PO100 to be run after the import of the requisitions but if it's WH132 then that's perfect as we are currently using it. Does the file have to be all on one line (I know it is fixed length) or can I have it generated in any format?

                        In the future I will also be required to provide these PO numbers back to the external system, does anyone know how I might go about doing that? Would this be another custom job?
                        Kat V
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                          If the reqs are set to pull from a warehouse and the RQ500 job sets the "Create PO" flag on the req to N - the WH132 will see and create a pick ticket (not a PO)

                          If you need it to create a PO to an external vendor - then that is a PO100 job.