Updating Pars in IC81.2 - Field Replenish from Location

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    Hi all
    Can anyone advise what the easiest way to update the Par replenish from location(IC81.2).
    We have created a new location and need to update the IC81.2 records from old to new.
    Have been trying to use the upload wizard but not been very sucessfull? I have previously added the record but have not been able to chnage it?
    If anyone has a uwf query and they can shre it that would be great.

    Also if we updated that via sql backend can anyone see it causing any issues?

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      Here's my Addins update file and a couple screen shots of how I set it up.
      Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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        Hi Jon
        Thanks for the files. I have tried to use them against my data but i get a message
        "Change complete - Line(s) not changed"
        I have attached my upload screenshot and source data.
        Any ideas?
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          Hi Sarah, I was looking at the attachments to see if I could add any suggestions. Are you using IC81.1 or IC81.2 to upload with?
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            What version of Lawson Apps and MS-Addins are you using?
            Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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              I use a different map and .uwf file. Try this one. Format your Excel worksheet like the one attached. The last column is a hidden key; copy the formula and drag it down to the end of the file. If your product is coming from an inventory location, don't put anything in the "Vendor# or co#" field or the "Purchase From or Whse" field. The warehouse location should default in. If it doesn't, try loading your stock and nonstock items on separate worksheets.
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                @Kevin- I am using IC81.2

                @Jon - We are on 8.10 MSP5,LSF9.0.0.4 - Addin version

                @Leslie - Thanks for the files . I will try those and update post with findings

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                  I don't see any reason that my uwf file would not work for you. Un;ess there's a difference between the ITEMSRC tables for 8.1 and 9.0.
                  Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
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                    Hi Leslie,

                    I came across your post in regards to IC81.2 changes but I do not see your attachment.  I can't find any information on the hidden field in IC81.2 and would greatly appreciate any help.

                    Russ M
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                      I am seeing a message 'Item detail entered, transmit to update' when updating items in the IC81.2 via add-ins. Is anyone else seeing this? 

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                        I always update IC81.2 via IC81.1


                        Jon Athey - Sr. Supply Chain Analyst - Materials Management - MyMichigan Health
                        Russ M
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                          I'm attempting to update 'User Field 1' (f22) which is a shared value in th itemloc table with the IC12. Unfortunately I do not see the field identifier in the IC81 options. 

                          Kat V
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                            When uploading to IC81.2, I have to upload to IC81.1 then scroll through to get to the IC81.2 fields.  As a result, the field id numbers are off for the IC81.2.  I'm on 10.07 apps and the user field is mapping as f55:0 and it's called user field 11, but it changes the IC82.1 UF1 when I try it.
                            Russ M
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                              I see that. Based on the new messages I am getting with the current upload, I'll have to play with it over the weekend. Will Let you know how it goes though. Thanks for the reply!

                              Russ M
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                                Kat - If you are online I have a question. I'm using the location info (Company, location), Bin Sequence, preferred bin and item. With the Line-FC1 (f24) selected to change, I'm only getting one line changed in a list. My past experiences in the PO and AP worlds would allow me to use it for each line to be changed. With the IC81, it is only changing one line. I'm looking at changing thousands of lines.  What am I missing please? FYI, the user field is changing for the single value that does change correctly. Thanks, Russ

                                Kat V
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                                  You're missing the PT BDG Bin Seq - the position to bin sequence. It's not positioning to the correct line without it.
                                  Russ M
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                                    So I am getting one item to upload successfully using the IC81 to update the IC81.2. Just trying to do to an add in  User Field 1 using User Field 11. I'm using f24:0, LINE-FC1 with a value of 'C'. First line of the record changes correctly, all others come back with 'Bin Sequence already exist (_f25r0)'. Can someone please tell me what I'm missing here? Thanks

                                    Russ M
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                                      Would that correlate to the beginning sequence number for each location?

                                      Kat V
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                                        Likely, yes.  If you were to manually do this on IC81, it's how you get to the line.  Either Bin Seq or Item (not both, we get errors).  See my attached screenshot.


                                        You want to go to either field and use ctrl+shift+o to get the field number.  It's high enough on the list, it should match the upload drop down.

                                        Russ M
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                                          Nevermind...I figured it out myself. Sometimes I'm just silly. Thanks again for your help. Supported Mayo for 13 years in Supply Chain. If you ever have questions about EDI, let me know...Regards, Russs

                                          Basic Member
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                                            HI Russ,
                                            Can you please share how you update IC81/IC82 with me I am getting same Error here I am trying to update Manu Information.