Hello all,
We'd LOVE to know what others moving to Lawson v10 are doing around populating the Mingle home page. As you know, by default, the only thing on the Mingle home page is the top line of icons with, for example, the Globe that allows you to get into Lawson. We're thinking there may be value to adding things such as EMSS functions to the home page so users can avoid the extra click but are interesting in know what/how others are doing it.
Thanks very much
Lenny Courchaine
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Hi David,
Would you be able to give more details on this? We are going live with version 10 and mingle in March/April and we would like when you go to mingle for it to open to myHR instead of the "ming.le" icon. We do have design studio, but are new to using it. I would appreciate any other information you can give on this. Thanks!
If you've installed your S3 plugin your direct link to S3 should be this:
http://mingleserver.com:port /SitePages/InforSuite.aspx?LogicalId=lid://infor.lawson-s3.1
Change accordingly if you also use https.