Need help with Onbase integration with V10 S3 Lawson/ Mingle
We are implementing V10 10.0.8 Env and 10.0.7 apps. We currently use Onbase to integrate (key
On most of the forms in the list below we have single points of integration (invoice or employee id)
Some will have to have a CTRL-N (to open a new window with a Lawson pane in a new IE window (without the Mingle wrapper)) this enables App-Enabler to work as it does not in
We have 3 that use drill around functions that we were not able to get a workaround to work.(ac96.1, cb80.1, gl90.1)
Is anyone else using app enabler in V10 S3 apps or does anyone use the Hyland 'Lawson module' with V10 ?
Were you all able to find a solution for this issue?