Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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Accessing Inbasket Variables    

Started By  Vito Amatulli
I am faily new to Design Studio and I am trying to figure out how to access Inbasket variables.  I put the portal in debuig mode and was able to determinre the variables that are being returned. I have attached the XML that is returned. I can access all variables under the WUVARIABLE tag by using the page.paramters method. I am trying to access the wun=19580 variable in the WORKDETAIL or the the WORrKUNIT variable in the FOLDRADDURL tag. Any suggestions
4 4522 1
by  Steven GrayJump to last post
2/17/2010 2:25 PM

Hide and unhide button objects    

Started By  Deborah Creek
I am working on version and a change to the look and feel of buttons from previous versions if causing a problem for me.  I would like to use javascript code to hide and unhide buttons.  In previous versions I was able to use setFormValue to change the button text to either be blank (hide) or contain writing (unhide) as needed and since the button was displayed as a link this made the object disappear.  Now that the button displays regardless of the text I need a way to truly hide the bu...
9 5728 2
by  Steven GrayJump to last post
2/3/2010 1:46 PM

Updating Attributes in LSF9 in Design Studio    

Started By  Aida
We are upgrading to LSF9 environment with 8.03 apps and are in the process of converting flows and design studio forms.  We have added a field to the rq04 that is used to identify specific requesters and tha we do an ags call to update the attribute in the rd30 record for that user.  Since LX90 does not exist anylonger in 9 how would we update that users record
7 3801 0
by  AidaJump to last post
11/30/2009 2:34 PM

Change size of DS paint palette??    

Started By  Tim Cochrane
Anybody know how, or if, the size of the DS palette screen can be increased  Since a COBOL screen is limited to 80 characters, you have the same limitation  whether doing 'quick paint' or 'blank palette'.  I've tried changing the width parameter in the first line ' TOKEN=...' but that didn't work.  I'm trying to paint a screen that will be 100 characters wide. Any info would be appreciated
3 3763 0
by  wilcoxmadJump to last post
1/4/2010 3:18 PM

Design Studio & PA52    

Started By  mjpeterson
I'm new to Design Studio, so please bear with me. Currently, we use Manager Self-Service as a view only application. However, we want to implement the MSS personnel actions as soon as possible. My plan is to start with the termination personnel action. Unfortunately, the delivered functionality of MSS does not meet our needs, so to make a long story short I need to create a termination screen. My plan is to use Design Studio and build it off of the PA52 screen, which I have already started. My q...
6 3474 1
by  RobertJump to last post
12/9/2009 2:15 PM

Send data to another server    

Started By  wilcoxmad
function callMEMB() {      var s = 'http://myserver:80/gscmembership/hr/lawson.svc/update'      s = 'ClockId=' lawForm.getFormValue('text2');      s = 'Division=' lawForm.getFormValue('text168');      s = 'Department=' lawForm.getFormValue('text169');      s = 'HireDate=' lawForm.getFormValue('text186');      s = 'LastName=' lawForm.getFormValue('text165');      s = 'FirstName=' lawForm.getFormValue('text166');      s = 'MiddleName=' lawForm.getFormVal...
3 3471 0
by  RobertJump to last post
12/10/2009 3:28 PM

Process Flow Design Studio Inbasket    

Started By  vc727
I am not sure if I should post this here or in the proces flow section. I have several flows that route Job Requisitions to different levels of management for approval. The inbasket for these processes is a design studio portal page. These flows have been running for years. We upgraded to 9.0 this past year and I rebuilt the inbasket pages at that time but all seemed to be working fine. Now I am hearing from 2 of my users that whe they open the inbasket item the only information that populates i...
3 3653 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
11/27/2009 5:51 PM

radio box in portal page designer    

Started By  khart
I have been unable to place a radio box in portal page designer but in user interface designer I can drop it onto the page using the UI Toolbox and define the choices.  Does anyone know how to put a radio box in portal page designer
3 3149 1
by  khartJump to last post
1/6/2010 9:14 PM

AGS Call: Bypass / Ignore Warning    

Started By  Tony2
Hi All: Searched for quite some time with no luck, so I figured I would ask. Posting an AGS call and encountering a soft warning: Message=Warning-Date Invalid; OK to continue Executing this via the Lawson forms, we click OK and voila, the transaction submits. Has anyone encountered this and worked around it through some bypass warning parameter with the AGS parameters ON a side note, is there a listing of all possible AGS parameters somewhere I could not find that either. Thanks in advan...
10 8983 5
by  TracyOJump to last post
1/18/2010 7:53 PM

DS communicating with a Web Service?    

Started By  Deborah Creek
Is it possible to call a web service from javascript within a Design Studio form  We would like to add validation to data entry on a Design Studio form by utilizing a web service.
3 3081 1
by  Deborah CreekJump to last post
1/7/2010 7:08 PM

Design Studio upgrade 3 to 9/javascript errors    

Started By  Deleted User
We are upgrading to Design Studio 9 and I'm trying to alter the Design Studio customizations we had on AP20.1. I have downloaded the latest documentation from Lawson but didn't find a definitive list of Javascript changes. I'm putting one piece of Javascript into the form at a time and get an error on each piece. Here's where I'm starting so that pay vendor doesn't default to the prior invoice's pay vendor: function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction(fc) {  if (fc=='A')  {    var vInfoVen=lawForm.set...
7 3536 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
1/19/2010 7:42 PM

Can this be done?    

Started By  Nabil
Hi, I'm quiet new to Design Studio developing. I wanted to ask a question before I waiste too much time trying to create a Portal Page that will not serve its role... Basically, I'm trying to figure out if Portal Page Designer could create a query, where users can enter a portion of the employees name or number and hit a 'Search' button to display some basic employee information, like FULL-NAME, COMPANY, and FICA-NBR. Could this be done in Portal Designer, using a search box, not clicking on ...
8 3281 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
1/13/2010 8:49 PM

RQ10 on Add script    

Started By  Queue
Without using Process Flow, is there a way to execute some sort of script that when a user adds a record on RQ10, that I could take the form Req Number generated by the add, and then populate that value into PO User Field 5 and then execute a change request to save the update  I know I can use lawForm.getDataValue('RQH-REQ-NUMBER'); and I'm fairly certain I can figure out how to set the RQH-PO-USER-FLD-5 (whatever the command is) to that value. Just not sure how to execute it on add or how t...
8 3777 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
1/20/2010 1:38 PM

JavaScript Substring    

Started By  Nabil
Can someone help me use JavaScript and the Substring function to show only the last 4 digits of the SSN in my form Thank you
13 5647 2
by  NabilJump to last post
1/22/2010 10:18 PM

Conditional DS Code Based On The Return MSG Of A Chg Function    

Started By  LCM
A little background is that I am attempting to build a custom page with DS to be used to certify effort that combines the functionality of a couple of GM screens.  I have gotten every piece of this project to work when the various functions are segregated out to their own action buttons but I am running in to trouble when I attempt to combine the various pieces in to one button (and add some conditional logic).  The problem is timing related.  Essentially functions that are called further down i...
5 3304 0
by  wilcoxmadJump to last post
1/29/2010 6:14 PM

AP20.1 (modified) works on dev server but not prod server    

Started By  Deleted User
Not sure if this is the right forum but we're upgrading to Lawson 9 and I have an AP20.1 form that tests fine on the dev server. When we copy to production server, and Rebuild Forms Index, it doesn't work. When you enter your invoice and line item detail and click Add, it clears out some fields and gives an error message at the bottom 'Account information required' I've searched Lawson's KB and can't find this specific issue. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
2 3228 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
2/3/2010 4:57 PM

Lawson host variable    

Started By  Mark A
I have a Crystal report with drill around links.  The links contain a hard coded string with the Lawson web server included.  I'd like to get the host in Design Studio and pass it as a variable so I can publish the report on either test or production server and have the drill to the correct server. How do I get the host variable from within Design Studio
1 2901 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/9/2010 8:56 PM

Checking For Comments    

Started By  Terry P
Client has requested a Process Flow be triggered when a specific type of Comment is entered on PO30 (Receiving). How to trigger the flow is not the problem. The problem is how do I know they have pushed the comment button and written out an attachment. Is there an event I could check, or am I going to have to go out and see if one has been written out for todays date Anyone done anything like this
1 2940 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
2/22/2010 6:53 PM

by-pass pr13.3 from HR11    

Started By  Teresa
I have a Design Studio HR11 form. I would like to by-pass the PR13.3 screen I get when I select add. How do I do this
1 3423 1
by  KK - InforJump to last post
3/31/2010 5:38 PM

design studio TEXT_OnFocus not work on line function code    

Started By  BeckyC
I am in MA43.1, I would like to know the line number when the user click on any text on the line. I was able to use the following code to find out the line number on any text field, except the line function code.  When the user clicks on function code, it does not show the alert statement.  Is there any way to figure that out function TEXT_OnFocus(id, row) {   var vCurrentLineNbr3 =lawForm.getDataValue('MAD-LINE-NBR',formState.currentRow);   alert ('onfocus = ' vCurrentLineNbr3)    ret...
1 3501 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
3/1/2010 8:36 PM

Portal Page checkboxes    

Started By  Deleted User
ConsultDavidW, On your April 18th 2008 blog entry regarding Checkbox on portal included the code to select all the checkboxes, could you also include the code that would detect which checkbox row was selected and how to obtain the row info to start a new process based on what was selected
4 3125 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
3/4/2010 6:08 PM

Securing Design Studio Changes.    

Started By  Jay2
We have made changes to AR24.1 We have changed one of the options under LINE-FC and we also added a submit button. These changed are not reflected in the Lawson Security Administrator when trying to secure this form. Is there a step missing that will allow us to see these additions to the form when creating rules in a new security class
3281 0
by  Jay2Jump to last post
3/3/2010 12:58 PM

Checkbox value is always on    

Started By  Deleted User
I have a Design Studio UI form created to kick off a New User request process.  On the form I have several checkboxes for Network Access, Blackberry, etc...  When I try to read the value of those checkboxes, it's always 'on' regardless of whether the box is checked or not.  I've tried various methods (lawForm.getFormElement('chkbb').value) but no matter what I try the value is either 'on' or null.  I'm sure there's a simple solution, but I haven't found it.  Anyone have success returning checkbo...
5 3395 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
3/3/2010 3:27 PM

Using DoFunction with OnBeforeTransaction    

Started By  Nick
I have a customized PA49 form with 2 new text fields (not tied to the database) that I am trying to concatenate into one field tied to the database.  I am using an OnBeforeTransaction to get the values and then write to the standard field.  That part is working fine.  However, I am having trouble getting a lawformDoFunction call to then perform the original transaction that the user requested.  I am getting a result where either the user has to click the Add/Change button again, or it appears to...
2 3490 1
by  NickJump to last post
3/10/2010 9:31 AM

Inquire twice issue- AP10.1    

Started By  brihyn
I added a fairly simple script to AP10.1 that upon hitting inquire, using an 'Form_OnAfterTransaction', looks at the User Fields tab, and if there's data on the first User Fields field, adds an asterisk to a field on the Main tab. This thing works great when I log on. I go to ap10, look at a vendor record with data on the user fields, inquire, i get the *. I go to a different vendor record that doesn't have user field data, inquire, * goes away. I've also tried browsing to a couple random scre...
0 4000 0
4/9/2010 1:06 PM
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