Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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PA52 Inquires not working after LSF9 migration    

Started By  Michael Thedford
I use custom PA52 portal pages as Display Execs in our Portal Inbaskets instead of using the Full Access default PA52 in the Folders link in the Inbasket. In my production ENV, the custom Portal page will auto fill the Company, Employee, Action Code, Action NBR, and Effective Date, then Inquire when the page is opened. On my TEST LSF9 box, the custom PA52 only has the Company, Employee, and Action Code displayed as if it couldn't find the PA record. I put alerts in the javascript and it ...
5 12977 1
by  Charla DevoreJump to last post
7/7/2009 11:31 AM

How do you query LDAP outside of the ProcessFlow environment?    

Started By  Paul Gallucci
How do you query LDAP outside of the ProcessFlow environment Is there a way to retreive data from the Resource Manager, (LDAP), outside of the ProcessFlow environment.   Since ProcessFlow provides a node to get at LDAP data we’re ok in that environment.  Outside of ProcessFlow, (i.e. Design Studio, 4GL, SQL, etc), there isn’t a way to access LDAP data directly.  At least we don’t how to do that yet.   We know a possible work around is to use ProcessFlow to query LDAP and update a table...
6 8316 1
by  Ben CoonfieldJump to last post
4/7/2009 1:36 PM

Pass Parameters to ProcessFlow    

Started By  mcl
I have a process flow that I want users to trigger from portal.  I have two input fields that I want to pass as parameters to the Flow.  How do I get the parameter fields from the Design Studio 'text box' to the Flow
4 4895 1
by  mclJump to last post
4/8/2009 8:11 PM

Design Studio Advantages and Implementation    

Started By  Deleted User
We are considering buying Design Studio and I'd like to know what this will do for us and how hard the implementation is. We are on Windows - We are now moving to lsf 9 and are on apps 8.1 moving to apps 9 by May 2010. We are just starting to use process flow professional and may be implementing LBI soon as well. Will design studio change our lives or just add some bells & whistles that we can live without Timing wise, should we wait until after apps 9 before getting design studio Thanks f...
9 4939 3
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
4/3/2009 9:31 PM

working with new ProcessFlow forms in LSF 9.0    

Started By  Paul Gallucci
How do you perform calls the the new ProcessFlow Work Unit forms, (the ones that replace the old LOGAN WFxx forms), via JavaScript in LSF 9.0 Design Studio  For example; what woud a call to bpm/ look like I've tried... var oHttpCall=httpRequest(bpm/metricsSummaryForm.domethod=Inquire&workUnit=232527&processId=232527&activityId=UA11304768702510) and var oHttpCall=httpRequest(
5 4463 1
by  Paul GallucciJump to last post
4/9/2009 9:55 AM

Checking Status of Triggered Flow    

Started By  mcl
This may be an easy question since I am new to Lawson and still don't know my way around, but, I ask it anyway:  I have created some Process Flows (load AP invoices from custom input, load bankrec tape file from bank, etc) and created a Design Studio custom from with buttons to 'call/trigger' the flows.  I throw an alert message to the user that the flow is triggered, but is there a way to tell the user that it processed successfully  I cannot seem to retrieve the Workunit , but thought if I c...
8 4670 0
by  mclJump to last post
4/19/2009 10:34 PM

Non Lawson table access by DS    

Started By  Deleted User
Is it possible to use a Crystal report, .csv file to use as a data source  in Design Studio Can a non-Lawson table be created and set up with dbdef and access it with DS Possibly need to do a blddbdict or bldora10ddl.
6 5127 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
5/22/2009 1:39 PM

Need to pass user name and password to WebNow to view Invocie Image    

Started By  Kate Liamero
I have some design studio forms where I have a 'View Invoice' button which brings the user to a webnow login. I would like to be able to pass the user id and password to automatically log the user into webnow when they click on the 'View Invoice button'.  How can i get this information to pass to Webnow Thanks Kate
1 5503 1
by  Michael ThedfordJump to last post
5/1/2009 5:17 PM

Design studio RQ custom script    

Started By  Queue
I have a custom script in Design Studio for a RQ form in Lawson so that when the user clicks on a 'Print' button on the form, the script opens a new window containing Requisition information formatted for printing. For some reason if I don't have the following line of code, the new window will open, but it will not display any of the information. // Ignore write line //    document.write(''); //Create New Popup Window     var vPrintWindow ='','','scrollbars=yes,width=730,height...
0 4723 0
5/5/2009 8:25 PM

Design Studio 9-tabpage on AP20.1-new syntax?    

Started By  Deleted User
We are upgrading to 9 and I formerly had script like this: lawForm.setDataValueById('text78',vDiff.toFixed(2)); I've tried a variation like this: lawForm.setDataValueById('lawform.tab1.tabregion1.text78',vDiff.toFixed(2)); but it's still not working. Does anyone know the proper syntax or a reference for me to look at Thanks!
3 4110 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
5/13/2009 12:24 PM

Multiple copies of Design Studio Form    

Started By  mcl
I am sure someone has a better way to do this:  (1) We are still in development stage with Go-Live out a few months (2) We are using various product lines... DEV for data transfer, TRAIN for training, PROD has test data in most files, etc  (3)  I am working on various process flows, etc. and the data for testing is scattered (4) I have developed a DS form to 'test'/'trigger' the flows and add whatever parameters they need (5)  In portal bookmarks I have added the DS form for easy access. Now th...
4 4653 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
5/13/2009 7:56 PM

AM25.1 Looping DME Query    

Started By  brihyn
The users would like to see the name of the Asset next to the asset number on the bottom portion of AM25.1.  I wrote the DME query, and it works. The first time I do an inquire, the name field will be random. If i go to page two, I see page 1's Asset number name next to page 2's asset number. Page three sees page two's name, and so on (basically my dme query is one page behind). Also, I only get a name for the first Asset number. I'm not really sure how I loop my script to populate through al...
20 10828 3
by  brihynJump to last post
5/18/2009 6:23 PM

Using DS to read a file on my unix server    

Started By  Deleted User
Does anyone know how to determine a file create date/time using DS  I want to display it on a page with a text box....
5 4212 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
5/28/2009 12:16 PM

AP20 mod to show GDT-ACCOUNT-DESC    

Started By  Chris Puckett
Has anyone modified AP20 to show the Account description It would (ideally) work like you key in the account number and tab out of the field, the account description would appear below the account number. I could also do it after an A,C,I,N,P type action where I do a DME call...while not immediate, it would have the end result so that the user could see the account description on AP20 prior to releasing the invoice. The next issue would then be actually modifying the spacing in thi...
2 3506 0
by  Chris PuckettJump to last post
5/20/2009 9:59 PM

Approval Inbasket    

Started By  vc727
Can I build a button on the inbasket display that will perform the approve and reject functions from the left menu.   Our MSS users don't see the left menu.
5 4415 0
by  vc727Jump to last post
5/21/2009 4:46 PM

IC21.2 Reference Verification    

Started By  mcl
I have an application that will create and maintain work orders outside of lawson.  I have created a custom table to hold those work order numbers in Lawson.  I can access the table via Lawson DME, no problem. I want users to enter the work order number in the REFERENCE field of IC21.2, and then I will verify against the custom table.  I cannot figure out how to access that field with Design Studio.  When I bring up the fom all the fields at the bottom (detail area) are dim, and clicking any fi...
12 5542 0
by  mclJump to last post
5/28/2009 11:08 AM

OnBlur-Entry level question    

Started By  brihyn
So I'm getting better with the scripting (thanks to excellent help here), and I've added 3-4 various java scripts to meet user requests, but I'm still struggling with what has got to be a pretty easy concept... When I use a function, such as OnBlur, how do I use it to specify a specific field function TEXT_OnBlur(id, row) {   return true; } How do I tell the application to execute my code on the blur of a specifc text field I tried replacing the id,row, for example, with the name of my f...
2 3667 1
by  brihynJump to last post
5/27/2009 8:18 PM

Custom Status Message    

Started By  mcl
In Lawson Portal (Ver 9) if a message is displayed in lower left for any malfunction or success of an action (Add-Complete, Field required, etc).  Is there a way to send a custom message to that spot  I am checking a field against a custom table before allowing an add to IC21.2.   I have the form rejecting the add but the message at the bottom left remains  'Processing add...'.   I give the user an 'alert' message but it would be nice to place the correct info there as well.
2 3617 0
by  mclJump to last post
5/28/2009 2:40 PM

Not directly DS-Changing default Drill Around information    

Started By  brihyn
I realize that this is almost surely not possible with Design Studio, the DS instructor mentioned that it may be possible with a code change. I'm at a loss on where to even begin looking for this, though... On AP20.1, if a user hits the search arrow next to 'Remit To', the drill pulls back all of the vendor locations, presenting the location code, vendor name, city, state, zip. the problem is, the vendor name is the same for all, and if there happens to be the same city/state information as we...
5 4499 2
by  brihynJump to last post
5/28/2009 6:17 PM

How to access to non Lawson system DB tables in Design Studio v.9    

Started By  JavaCafe
Hi everyone; I'm trying to build some custom forms in Portal Page based on some non-lawson Oracle Stored Procedures and tables but I couldn't find a way to access them. The Data Area always displays Lawson Product Line and system code. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks in advance
18 7766 2
by  JavaCafeJump to last post
6/5/2009 2:28 PM

New custom form ID    

Started By  JavaCafe
I created a new system code called ZZ and defined a new program (ZZ00) under this system code. A form ID was generated (ZZ00.1). Everything seems OK but when I tried to build a form in DS and select  this form ID I got error: 'Unable to generate the form requested'.  Any idea that I did something wrong when adding program. Thanks in advance.
0 4378 0
6/10/2009 7:41 PM

PRODUCTION Issue - Need Help ASAP! - Design Studio Changes made    

Started By  AG
Platform: ISERIES Version: 8.03 we added a couple of labels to form AP26.1 to display totals. We tested this form in our DEV environment just fine. We moved the new form to production on Friday and today it is not working! The form is displaying all kinds of letters and numbers in the wrong places. It is almost as if the portal is not recognizing the layout of the form We did rebuild the form Index after we copied the custom form to our production env. Does anyone have any idea ...
9 5093 2
by  AGJump to last post
6/30/2009 1:52 PM

BUTTON_OnClick two part question    

Started By  brihyn
Having trouble thinking this through today...I'm sure I'm doing something dumb, but I'm not seeing it. I have a button on a couple of forms that brings up a search window of related scanned images Script looks like this: function BUTTON_OnClick(button) {  if (button == 'push12')  {   var VenNum = lawForm.getFormValue('text2');   VenNum = trim(VenNum);   var ImageUrl = '/search/vendorsearch.aspquery=23filename3D22' VenNum '_*.*22';;  } // return true...
15 4849 1
by  brihynJump to last post
7/22/2009 1:36 PM

Rounding numbers in Design Studio Portal Page Designer    

Started By  Jill
I'm trying to create a simple, little report in Portal Page Designer.  It will be a listing showing managers their direct reports' vacation balances in EMSS.   How can I round a Lawson number field  Available Hours is stored in the database as 53.758834 -- so that's how it is displayed on my report.  They want it rounded to 2 decimal places.   I'm guessing there is a straightforward way to do this.  But I'm pretty new to Design Studio and JavaScript.   Thanks for the help!
3 3290 2
by  JillJump to last post
7/24/2009 2:05 PM

DS Transaction Property Page problem-Populating keys    

Started By  Roger French
Hello, I'm building a custom portal page in Portal Page designer, based upon an existing application form (a simple query form) . The form uses COMPANY and EMPLOYEE as the keys. In the Transaction Property Page, in the Keys tab, I want to use the and LAW_WEB_USR.employee values to populate, respectively the COMPANY and EMPLOYEE keys. (The and LAW_WEB_USR.employee are both values which I select from the drop down list boxes under the Value column in the T...
5 3914 0
by  Derek CzarnyJump to last post
7/31/2009 12:16 PM
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