Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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Adding/Updating comments using design studio    

Started By  Mike LaCosse
I am creating a custom form for AR17 and have added a text box in the detail section for comments (so it doesn't take several clicks for users to add a comment). I am having limited success getting the writeattach.exe cgi to add/change the comments. Has anyone been able to use this to add a comment field to a form, and if so would you mind sharing some code Thanks, Mike
17 19097 3
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/25/2008 9:30 PM

How to prevent user pressing Enter key?    

Started By  Terry P
Does anyone know a way to trap or prevent a user from pressing the 'Enter' key instead of the 'Tab' key. In AP20 (and other forms), when a user is in a key field and presses the enter key, it pops up the select box where they can search etc. In AP20, the Purchase Order field is not a required field and can be left blank. They 'should' be tabbing thru the field. The real problem is after they enter a PO number in the field, I go out and retrieve PO info using a DME call. If the PO number is inv...
1 4409 1
by  michael2Jump to last post
11/4/2008 8:55 PM

Calling a Portal Page from a custom Form    

Started By  Terry P
Is there a way to call a Portal Page from a Design Studio modified custom form (such as AP20.1). I can use a bookmark to call the Portal Page, but can't figure out how to from within a UI form. I'd like to do it as either a button, action, or related link. Also, is there a way to pass varibles between a form and a portal page
1 4713 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
4/17/2008 1:15 PM

DME In Design Studio 26    

Started By  mondrar
I have three questions. Hope I'm not asking too much: I created a javascript in design studio to show the termination reasons on HR11. The snippet below shows the DME: 1. Can someone tell me why the only reason I was able to successfully pass two paramaters on the SELECT part of the DME was when I used the 26 prior to the next field. It took me some trial and error before I was able to find the 26. What does the 26 trasnlate to in ascii 2. The two fields work great, they show the term rea...
7 6329 2
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
11/10/2008 7:18 PM

Setting alpha fields to uppercase    

Started By  Deleted User
I want to set all the text fields for a number of forms to force them to be uppercase. Does anyone know of a way you can do this either globally, or else in the source section
4 5133 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
5/9/2008 8:55 PM

Remove Menu Button    

Started By  mondrar
Can anyone help me in hiding a button the the menu bar, i.e. On the PR12, hide the delete button, but still make it available under the drop down on the Inquire button. Changing the value of visible from 1 to 0 does not work, and neither does tp=hidden. Any ideas on how to accomplish this in design studio
6 5943 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
11/14/2008 5:38 PM

Capture Logon user ID in portal    

Started By  JavaCafe
Hi; We have some hyperlinks on lawson portal to other ,NET web apps, and use Request.ServerVariables('LOGON_USER') to pass logon user ID to these apps. Before we upgraded to Lawson 9.0 it worked fine. But now  the Request.ServerVariables('LOGON_USER')  always return empty string (LSF 9 using LDAP).  Is there other way we can capture the user Logon ID in Lawson portal Thank you in advance.
2 5351 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/3/2008 2:24 PM

Adding New Portal Page to Lawson    

Started By  Deleted User
I created a page with a DME call using Design Studio.  Now how do I put it out to our Lawson portal so users can access it  We're on LSF9 Unix.
2 4302 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
6/25/2008 3:01 PM

How to help needed!    

Started By  wilcoxmad
I have created an 'EZ-EMPLOYEE' screen for our HR users to add new employees. It has just the required info from HR11 and a few extra fields they wanted as well. They also want to be able to enter info for the PA12 Emergency Contact page at the same time. I have tested the add, just the HR11 data, and it works. Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea how to pass the data and call the PA12 screen. I have self taught what little JavaScript, HTML and Design Studio I know, so my knowledge is very l...
4 4501 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/10/2008 3:10 PM

How to get password in JavaScript in DSv9    

Started By  machanx35
Hi, I'm trying to change a DSv8 javascript to get the user id and the password. How do I do this in version 9
0 4337 1
7/2/2008 11:45 AM

Accessing workunit variables in Design Studio    

Started By  REW
I have a processflow that routes invoices needing approval to a custom Design Studio AP20 form. What I would like to do is after action has taken place in the AP custom form is to present a custom WF22 form. In order to populate the form before presentation, the workunit number has to be passed to the form and an inquire action taken. Does anyone know how to access the workunit variable (!oWorkUnit) and pass it to the form
1 4626 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/2/2008 5:15 PM

Passing Parameters from a Form to a Portal Page    

Started By  Gene B.
I created a custom portal page that has a simple data query of employees by fica-nbr. This page is called from a button on a custom form. Can I pass the fica-nbr from the form to run in the data query automatically
1 6211 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/15/2008 6:53 PM

Design Studio clear fields on AP20.1    

Started By  TracyO
I have created a Design Studio form for our AP20.1 screen where I have moved 3 user fields to the main tab.  I have also made these fields be required based on the account number.  I know want to find a way to clear of  just the user fields, as we do not want to clear the co/au/account because they are always the same.  It looks like everytime after you do an add or change on this screen the cursor postions itself on the company field.  I am thinking I need to do an OnBlur function, so as soon a...
6 5622 1
by  wilcoxmadJump to last post
7/28/2008 4:10 PM

Fields not clearing on HR11    

Started By  wilcoxmad
I created a new version of HR11 with just the required fields. I deleted all the tabs and made it a single form with just the desired fields. It works well with one exception. If you inquire before adding, the data that is not on the new form (Name prefix and sufix for example) still gets added if it exist on the employee record that was inquired on. Any ideas on how to stop this I tried clearing those fields: function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction(fc) {  //blank out HR11 screen fields that are n...
2 4564 0
by  wilcoxmadJump to last post
7/22/2008 2:31 PM

Form won't load new data on initial INQ    

Started By  wilcoxmad
I created a new HR11 screen to display the Job Class and its description, on the 2nd tab. The first time the program is initialized, these new fields don't get filled out. On any subsequent trans they work fine. Any suggestions
8 4592 0
by  wilcoxmadJump to last post
8/19/2008 6:17 PM

Messages displayed in text Box    

Started By  Chris Ross
Can someone provide me with the script to display the messages from the bottom left hand corner of the screen into a text box
4 4041 2
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/12/2008 10:19 AM

PO23 Vendor and Early Delivery Date Default    

Started By  Chris Ross
In PO23, I have defaulted the 'Vendor/Purch From' field in the middle section called Create Purchase Order, with the 'Vendor, Purchase From' field in the purchasing tab at the bottom of the screen which comes from RQ10. This works once you have inquired on a RQ, but only if you put your curser in the vendor field located in the middle of the screen and tab out of it.  Same goes for the early delivery date. Any ideas on how to make these field populate as soon as you inquire on a RQ in this scr...
3 4831 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/12/2008 10:16 AM

Scriipt to initiate Release and Issue final    

Started By  Chris Ross
Can someone provide the scripte necessary to trigger a 'Release' and then a 'Issue final' in PO23 once you have successfully create a PO after you have selected the 'Add' button in PO23
4 4471 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/12/2008 10:13 AM

MSS implementation    

Started By  Deleted User
I've been tasked with implementing Manager Self Service and I have a few questions.  Namely, what is the best way to modify the delivered bookmarks  Example: sending notices with Process Flow for approvals on a pay raise under Personnel Actions. Do I use Design Studio with these bookmarks or just mod with html/javascript  Does Lawson give any examples in a manual  I've read the DS manual and I didnt see anything there.  Thanks for any help you can share with me.
6 4219 1
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
8/21/2008 1:19 PM

Design Studio w/ std RQ10 vs RSS    

Started By  sfischer
We are in the process of implementing Lawson RQ and PO - standard, not RSS.   However, RQ10 is really not user friendly enough to roll out to our users. We are considering using Design Studio to remove most of the current RQ10 fields and end up with a single entry form that has a few header fields and then the line fields.  Have any of you faced the same issue  If so, could you please write back about 1) Whether Design Studio worked with with the tabs (combining fields from different tabs to...
3 3967 0
by  sfischerJump to last post
9/11/2008 4:37 PM

Tabbing Order    

Started By  Kate Liamero
Version  The design studio user manual p35 states tabbing order can be changed but then does not tell you how.  Does anyone know how to change the tabbing order on a form Thanks Kate
2 4394 1
by  Kate LiameroJump to last post
9/29/2008 4:21 PM

Portal Page Load Time    

Started By  Ken Ptak
I am trying to create a Portal Page that will list all of our Accounting Units, AU Description, and AU Status from the GLNAMES table. The goal of this page will be to allow the user to perform a search (CTRLF).  In order to accomplish this, I need to have the portal page populate every AU on a single page (No next/previous). Our users will be able to search by either the Accounting Unit or a description of the AU. We do not want to grant GL20 access to all users, we want this to be an all in...
2 4277 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/29/2008 7:00 PM

Form Transfer    

Started By  Sam Simpson
Is it possible to transfer from a form to a subform that is modified thru design studio Ex.. WH32.1  transfers to WH32.2 that was modified by design studio. Do I need to add the new ID in the Transfer tag (xml) Any help is appreciated. SAM
3 4410 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
10/31/2008 9:03 PM

LSF9 AGS call    

Started By  Deleted User
I have been trying to get a simple AGS to work in LSF9 Design studio.  The script is running through its step properly.  I have followed the various values during the executions but unable to see the field get updated. I am running the AGS following statement to update an HR11 user field.  I am just running a preview of the script but others have tried to execute it with the same result: var vAGSCall; vAGSCall = '_PDL=' strPDL '&_TKN=ZEOO.1&_EVT=CHG&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE' '&_OUT=XML&_F...
12 5312 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
12/4/2008 9:26 PM

MA43.1 Design Studio Form to update APDistrib    

Started By  Kate Liamero
I am trying to update the apdistrib table from MA43.1 form. These are the fields I am trying to update. 1. apd.description(30)  =  vendor and however many characters from ven-vendor-name that will fit. 2. apd.dst-reference(10)  = first 10 characters of the invoice field. I don't even see apdistrib referenced in the form.  The reason we need to update apdistrib is so that when the transaction goes over to GLTRANS the fields glt-reference will contain the first 10 characters of the invoice r...
3 3762 1
by  Kate LiameroJump to last post
12/2/2008 7:12 PM
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