Design Studio and IE11

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    I realize that Design Studio is not supported on IE11. Anyone have any work arounds for this?
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      IE11 has the capability of running in Enterprise mode.  We have Lawson go down to a lower level.  The only issue I have run into has to do with LBI which you are not using.

      Randy Jacoy
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        Hi Angela, good to hear from you! We have tried I.E. 11 in Enterprise mode as well as compatibility mode and neither has worked. The Design Studio menu and toolbox doesn't display in I.E. 11. We are on Lawson version Are you on a newer version by chance?
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          We are on the latest ESP and MSP.  We do an ESP/MSP once a year except for this year as we are going to Infor 10.

          Randy Jacoy
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            Thanks Angela. We are in the process of updating to the latest version 9.x so hopefully that will fix our problem.
            Russell E
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              Did your issue with the Design Studio menu now showing ever get resolved?
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                I opened an incident with Lawson on this issue and their response is that DS is not supported on IE11 and they have no ETA on if/when it will be supported.
                They did refer me to the support matrix page 32-33

                Maybe if we get enough customers to open incidents on this issue, they will work on a fix
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                  We just upgraded our DEV ENV to LSF 10.0.7, etc. We are having the same issue. The Matrix states that it is N/A, but the DS install docs state otherwise. They have assigned JT-783156 to get DS 10.0.7 compatible with IE11. Now when it will be, who knows...
                  Russell E
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                    Rumors have it that Env is suppose to resolve the IE11 / Design Studio toolbar issue, but I have not found out if that is true yet.  Is anyone able to confirm this yet?
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                      It is not true. We upgraded to 9.01.13 and it sill did not work, that is when I logged the incident above
                      Russell E
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                        Which version of Design Studio are you running?  Also which version of Portal?  I thought I also saw that there is a patch that might need to be installed.
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                          Russell - were are on Portal & DS

                          I have an incident from Lawson that states they do not have it in the plans to fix this problem. I think it would help if anyone that is having this issue would open an incident, hoping that if Lawson gets inundated with incidents on this, they might actually look into fixing it
                          Advanced Member
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                            We are on Infor10 and have had issues with Design Studio on both IE9 and IE11. The only browser that has worked consistently has been IE10. We have tried changing the Compatibility Mode settings, but they did not seem to have any impact.
                            alexandre ladjimi
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                              I initially reported the IE11 issue with Infor back in January and following the same run around I found the only solution available was to run DS on IE 9 my virtual display.
                              Tim Cochrane
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                                I'm assuming this situation hasn't changed or nobody has found a work around...we just upgraded to IE11, so now we're seeing the same issues.
                                Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
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                                  In version 10, there are still issues with the Object Viewer and the API Builder.  You can at least change it to be compatible with IE8 by hitting F12.  Design Studio in 10 still only works with IE.

                                  Brad J
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                                    We've had numerous discussions with the Lawson development team and despite the pressure we applied, there are absolutely no plans to support IE11 in design studio for the 9.0.1 version line. I've pointed out the logical inconsistency of the product supporting IE11 but the development tools do not, all to no avail. Consequently, the only work arounds are either to create a virtual machine on your pc where you can install IE10 or below (you cannot have more than one IE version on your PC at a time) or have a second PC. I've confirmed with Lawson development that none of the compatibility modes of IE11 will work either.

                                    Not great news but hopefully this will clarify the direction and allow folks to take action accordingly.
                                    alexandre ladjimi
                                    Advanced Member
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                                      We were going through the same issue with IE11 and Design Studio while in ls9.  Now that we moved up to Infor10 I had a lot of maintenance to do to the code(scripts and screens) and after putting in a ticket with Infor.  I got tired the going back and forth and requested a weBex.  They assisted me with some tricks (Xscrgen, width and heights requirements) and I made all my changes under IE8 (f12 from IE11, and selected the IE).  They also said that they were still working on the fix which they told me 6 months ago......  
                                      alexandre ladjimi
                                      Advanced Member
                                      Posts: 18
                                      Advanced Member
                                        We were going through the same issue with IE11 and Design Studio while in ls9.  Now that we moved up to Infor10 I had a lot of maintenance to do to the code(scripts and screens) and after putting in a ticket with Infor.  I got tired the going back and forth and requested a weBex.  They assisted me with some tricks (Xscrgen, width and heights requirements) and I made all my changes under IE8 (f12 from IE11, and selected the IE).  They also said that they were still working on the fix which they told me 6 months ago......