Forum: Lawson Design Studio

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Check Dates using javascript    

Started By  mondrar
How can I check the value of a field that is defined as a date field after the date has been selected using javascript. I want to check the date chosen, and if it's not equal to a prededined date, alert the user. Below is the javascript that I threw together that gets me half way there. function TEXT_OnBlur(id, row) { if (id != 'text85') return true; { var vDmeString = portalWnd.DMEPath; vDmeString = 'PROD='strPDL; ...
5 13628 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/24/2011 6:53 PM

Lawson Design Studio Problem    

Started By  Deleted User
I added a new field in the detail section of a Lawson Design studio 9.0 form.  The other fields on the same line as my new field  are indexed and can be accessed line by line. setForm('fieldname', data, row) where row is indexed 0 through 12 to display 12 lines on the scereen. I  am using a javascript ags call and need to write data to my new field using this same index so I can write different data to the field line by line field using an index.  I have tried everything I can think of but I c...
3 6456 1
by  maalimsimoJump to last post
12/6/2011 3:17 PM

Getting the row field value corresponding to invoice    

Started By  Subic
Hi,  I am trying to get the value from each row that is corresponding to invoices.I have tried using button and image link. but both are not working. Button option when I click first button, getting the correct value from line1. but when i click the second row button, still getting row1 value. Image option using the field id. when click line 1 image, getting value from the last row values. Because, each row, we are comparing all line with same value. My sample code is here...
13 4987 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
10/12/2011 12:05 AM

getDataValue vs getFormValue    

Started By  Angela Collins
I have asked several people what the difference is other than using the id/name versus the data source, but the answer I get is try the one.  If it doesn't work, try the other.  I put both in an On Blur event.  I noticed that getFormValue gives you the value of the field that you entered/selected while getDataValue gives you the original value.  If I have ABC in the field and change it to XYZ, getFormValue returns XYZ while getDataValue returns ABC.  Is this documented somewhere I noticed that...
1 4437 1
by  RandallJump to last post
8/22/2011 2:57 PM

AP90.1 Design Studio Javascript code for ImageNow    

Started By  maalimsimo
I am a complete novice at Design Studio, so I will ask very basic questions. I need to create a push button (or buttons) on the AP90.1 form to call ImageNow. Am I required to create a button for each of the detail rows If not, how do I pass the Invoice Nbr and Voucher Nbr values for rows 2 thru 7 to ImageNow Has anyone succesfully done this I have searched on the forum unsuccessfully.  Thanks in advance. Maalim
8 4712 0
by  RandallJump to last post
8/22/2011 2:47 PM

FORM_OnAfterFrameworkInit() trouble    

Started By  Jeff DeWitt
I am trying to hide a button (Change) on a form before the user has access to the button (I'll show it later if the data indicates the button should be allowed).  I believe the best place to do this will be in the FORM_OnAfterFrameworkInit() method.  Unfortunately, I can not seem to get even an alert('Here'); to work in my form to confirm that this function is even working.  The Add and Change buttons are getting put on the screen so I am sure this step in the form loading process is happening. ...
4 4445 1
by  Deb AveryJump to last post
9/29/2011 5:56 PM

Design Studio    

Started By  Juanita
How do you change a data field on a form in Design Studio that is hidden but you now want to display it
1 3600 0
by  Terry PJump to last post
7/13/2011 6:46 PM

Remove objects from Portal Page    

Started By  Robert Spurr
I've created a variety of data entry screens which will be accessed via a button on another form.  When it opens I want to achieve as close as possible a modal style view.  To that end I what to remove the tabs, search box, content, preference and help buttons.  So far the best I could achieve is to clear the tab area of all bookmarks and hide it when the form is opened.  Does anyone have experience dealing with portal objects and be willing to point me in the right direction. Thanks Robert
5 4818 0
by  RodJump to last post
8/2/2011 2:14 PM

DS for a drill form?    

Started By  George Graham
We would like the ability to add a search button to the attachment screen that you get to from the attachment drill in AP20.1. I can find that that form calls /cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe but I don't find any way to do this through design studio. Anyone know if this is possible or would this have to be a custom exe
7 3855 0
by  RandallJump to last post
7/28/2011 3:30 PM

DME call to ImageNow    

Started By  Gordon
I have many DS forms that have a link to ImageNow behind a button.  I need to change the color of the button or verbiage on button if records exist for data on screen. Ex: RQ10 I have link to requisition documents in ImageNow.  Once users put in Requester ID and Requisition I want to change color of link. I want to do this without opening up WebNow unless the button is pressed. Has anyone scripted this in DS
5 5274 1
by  GordonJump to last post
8/23/2011 4:23 PM

PR35.2 Inquiry    

Started By  JoeS
We currently use two digit batch numbers and we are getting ready to implement a 3digit batch number.  We have a Design Studio screen of the PR35.2 (quick paint), with some of the fields removed.  Is it possible to change the inquiry process to inquire by process level instead of batch number so that if a employee has time under both a two digit batch and three digit batch both batches would appear on the same screen without having to inquire on the batches separately.  Has anyone done something...
1 3879 0
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
8/24/2011 2:11 PM

Web Page in Portal Page    

Started By  Robert Spurr
I have added the Web Page component to a portal page and using a direct call works fine.  I however need to be able to change the URL based on the value(s) from another form also on the page.  Basically I've created a sharepoint site with sub directories matching the requisition number.  I want to take people directly to sub folder but in order to do that I have to embedd the requisition number within the URL. Anybody have any ideas on how to do this Thanks Robert
2 3308 0
by  Robert SpurrJump to last post
8/24/2011 5:44 PM

Capture what the state is (ie, page up/down)    

Started By  Roger L.
I need to capture if the function is page up or page down in Design studio but can't seem to be able to figure out how. I have never had training in design Studio and have only been working with it a short time. Any Help is welcome.
7 3776 1
by  Roger L.Jump to last post
9/15/2011 5:26 PM

Creating a custom HR11.1 Form    

Started By  ChuckM
I am trying to create a custom for that will allow a user to change a small subset of Employee fields: Email Address & three specific User Fields. In UI Designer, I created a form with the Email Address, and added a Detail Area control that presents all the User Fields. How can I modify the Detail Area Control to only display specific User Fields, instead of all of them If this is the wrong approach, can you suggest a better way to design what I'm trying to do TIA...ChuckM
5 4634 1
by  ChuckMJump to last post
9/14/2011 8:31 AM

Updating HR11 User Fields with AGS    

Started By  ChuckM
Using the many suggestions I received in these forums (thanks David) I have successfully created a custom HR11 form, which includes populating three fields with User Field data retrieved via DME.  Using the portal debug feature and Ctl-Alt-A, I build my first AGS update to update the EMP-EMAIL-ADDRESS field.  But like many who have tried, when I try to update one of the user fields, I get a Transaction complete message, but the field does not get updated.  I saw where someone had post...
5 5190 1
by  ChuckMJump to last post
9/22/2011 8:08 PM

DMEObject is undefined???    

Started By  ChuckM
I've cloned payratehistorymanager.htm.htm to display so a manager can see display alternate pay rates of his Direct Reports in EMSS. When I try to add a DME query, that begins:     var dmeObj = new DMEObject(authUser.prodline,'prrates'); ...I get an error that says DMEObject is undefined. Why would DMEObject be undefined TIA...ChuckM
1 3998 1
by  ChuckMJump to last post
9/29/2011 8:57 PM

Again HR11 Customization    

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - I modified the HR11 screens with very few fields using the design studio. This screen will be used in various departments to validate employee status, position , dept etc.,  Screen works great.  Under the employee filed properties I unchecked the 'Allow Drill' function so that user will be not able to see the payment etc information. But when they select the employee (search screen) system is allowing them to drill on teh employee. How do I disable drill around  drill function
3 4049 0
by  Srini RaoJump to last post
9/30/2011 10:44 AM

How to pass values to the link Form in data query page    

Started By  Terrie
I am totally new to Design Studio. I am builing a portal page that will have a data query to find employees with a certain Employee Status.  Under General tab of the Data query property pages dialog box Link Records, I clicked Form and entered Token PA52.1 When I preview I get list of employees and I click on the employee number and it takes me to PA52.1 screen.  Now I need to figure out how to default in the Company and Employee from the record I clicked on the report. Thank you for ...
3568 1
by  Derek CzarnyJump to last post
10/19/2011 7:44 PM


Started By  Jeff Pratte
We can't get our upload script working. We copied an upload a consultant wrote for us and tweaked it a bit. However, it looks like the writeattach.exe is throwing an error – “Create attachment failed with the following error: Invalid value for User Defined Type: _AUDT=(I).” With the web research I have done, it seems like AUDT=I is valid! We have tried 'I', 'A' and nothing. But we always get the same error message. Attached is the program we have created. Thanks for your help, Jeff
11 7680 1
by  Terry PJump to last post
10/19/2011 1:54 PM

Max number of keys in Data Query?    

Started By  Jonathan
I'm getting this message from a Data Query on a inbasket page: 'Number of keys (169) exceeds max (100).'  Is there a way to change the max number of keys allowed in the SELECT portion of the query  I know you can set the max number of records returned. If I can't change the max number, what is the best way to rewrite the query to compensate for the 100 key max Here is the current query: /servlet/Router/Data/ErpPROD=PROD9&FILE=AMASSET&FIELD=TAG-NBR;ASSET;DESCRIPTION;&MAX=200&OUT=XML
1 3451 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
10/27/2011 6:40 PM

Requisition Approval Display Issue    

Started By  Robert Spurr
I have a modified RQ10 that is used to display the requisition information for approval purposes and this has work just fine for years, however recently an issue has arisen that I'm having difficulty resolving.  We are a multi-company system and when an approver opens the first requisition for approval (no issue), if they open others within the same company (no issue), however if they open one from a different company no lines appear. I tried passing additional information like company and even ...
2 3711 0
by  Robert SpurrJump to last post
11/1/2011 2:26 PM

DME query to L_HAPI table    

Started By  KHessing
Has anyone attempted to do a DME call to the L_INDEX table Or any of the 'L_' tables I am able to do a DME call to APINVOICE and get my results but not to the L_INDEX. Was wondering if these tables can be used in Design Studio. Here is my code that is not returning results: var x = portalWnd.DMEPath;  x = 'PROD='strPDL;  x = '&FILE=L_HAPI';  x = '&FIELD=OBJECT;NAME';  x = '26SELECT=L_INDEX=' result;  x = '&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~&NOHEADER'; var objhttp=portalWnd.objFactory.createI...
8 6238 0
by  KHessingJump to last post
11/18/2011 7:12 PM

Design Studio and using getattachrec.exe    

Started By  KHessing
I am having issues trying to use getattachrec.exe to get the URL for our invoice image. Here is what I have and the error I am getting. //code for getattachrec.exe var x = ''; x = '_OUT=XML'; x = '&_PDL= TRAIN9'; x = '&_FN=APINVOICE'; x = '&_IN=APISET1'; x = '&K1=' vComp; x = '&K2=' vVen; x = '&K3=' vInv; ...
2 4273 0
by  KHessingJump to last post
11/14/2011 5:59 PM

Creating a message alert on AP20.1    

Started By  Eddie Smith
Would like to be able to create a message alert to the AP clerk whenever a vendor is selected or entered into AP20.1 in which the vendor user field 1 value on AP10.1 is equal to 'Y'.  In help would be appreciated. Thanks.
11 4949 0
by  Eddie SmithJump to last post
11/21/2011 1:13 PM

Custom Functions    

Started By  George Graham
Has anyone been successful at creating and using custom javascript functions as reusable functions across multiple forms Tried setting up a MyStudio folder and the neccessary content, but have not been able to get custom includes to work.
2 4166 0
by  George GrahamJump to last post
12/8/2011 3:04 AM
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