I am faily new to Design Studio and I am trying to figure out how to access Inbasket variables. I put the portal in debuig mode and was able to determinre the variables that are being returned.
I can access all variables under the WUVARIABLE tag by using the page.paramters method. I am trying to access the wun=19580 variable in the WORKDETAIL or the the WORrKUNIT variable in the FOLDRADDURL tag. Any suggestions?
After further research, I found the MESSAGEADDURL element as part of the object parent.pfInbasket.curWorkObjDetail, and was able to extract the WORKUNIT using this method. It should work the same for the FOLDERADDURL. Oddly, I could not locate an element for WORKDETAILS, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
Here's an edited version of your trace data.
< INBASKET > < WORKDETAILS wun="19580" approdline="DEV50" returnmsg="OK" msgtype="normal" > < FOLDERADDURL >< CDATA [ /bpm/inbasket?FUNCTION=workdetail&RDUSER=ipsesy1 &WORKUNIT=19580&APPRODLINE=DEV50&UPTYPE=FLD&UPDTACTION=A&FLDNAME=&FLDURL= ] > < MESSAGEADDURL >< CDATA [ /bpm/inbasket?FUNCTION=workdetail&RDUSER=ipsesy1 &WORKUNIT=19580&APPRODLINE=DEV50&UPTYPE=MSG&UPDTACTION=A&MSGID=&MSGCONTENT= ] >
// get MESSAGEADDURL node value var vElements = parent.pfInbasket.curWorkObjDetail.getElementsByTagName("MESSAGEADDURL"); vMesssageAddUrl = vElements[0].firstChild.nodeValue; // extract WorkUnit parm using a portal method vWorkUnit = portalWnd.getVarFromString("WORKUNIT",vMesssageAddUrl); alert("WorkUnit is " + vWorkUnit);