I'm quiet new to Design Studio developing. I wanted to ask a question before I waiste too much time trying to create a Portal Page that will not serve its role...
Basically, I'm trying to figure out if Portal Page Designer could create a query, where users can enter a portion of the employees name or number and hit a "Search" button to display some basic employee information, like FULL-NAME, COMPANY, and FICA-NBR.
Could this be done in Portal Designer, using a search box, not clicking on a record to display other records?
We used .NET and did a cool page that basically has one search box that as an example you can put in "Fred HR11" or "Smith HR11" or "555-11-2222 hr11" or "1234 hr11" and it will search employee data for matches. If there is more than one match it displays a list, on the other had if there is just one match then it will jump straight to hr11 and pulls up the employee. It also defautls to the last form used so putting in HR11(etc.) is often not needed. Basically the pieces are 1. A full text index on the relevent columns(slightly more complicated than that). 2. A asp.net page with the search box. 3. A custom file under portal that sort of acts like lawform 4. A slight addition to the HR11 form so you can pass it parameters and have it do the inquiry. 5. ...repeat steps 1..4 on other forms/data as needed.