Needed to add a new pay code to YR36 so I pulled it up in Design Studio. Added it and set the revised form as the default form. It showed up in portal but when I enter a record with the new code on it, it says the new code is not in the list and it lists all the other pay codes. I have cleared the cache and re-indexed the forms and checked the PRPayCode table to insure the new code is listed. Can't get it to work. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I'm on apps 8 and lsf 9.
This is something I inherited because I went to Design Studio class and someone said you had to add the new code in Design Studio. The person who use to handle this form is gone. I have been working with Lawson for 6 months and I was hired to do Process Flow. The form was customized in 2002 by installation partner DigiTerra. I do not know why the form was customized this way. With the upgrade to 9.0 and new modules added, we are trying to get away from customizations and do "out of the box" with Design Studio customizations as much as possible but we are not re-doing the existing customizations at least not right now.
The form has PPT-PAY-CODE as its Data Source (in Design Studio) but when you hit Custom, you have a custom list, not the usual ... Output Only, Allow Select, etc. so it is not getting its values from PRPAYCODE. If anyone knows how to make Design studio do a custom list instead, I'd like to know. I have another form I would like to do it to so that only the active codes show up. I do not want to do COBOL modifications. Wondering if I can do it with JavaScript??
>When you mentioned changing the .scr file does that mean the field TRD-PAY-CODE has field values in $EDIT? YES
>When you added the new field did you also changed the cobol routine to edit the new field? NO.
>What happen if you added another pay code do you have to change your screen file everytime? YES, happens about once a year
The values are in the PRPAYCODE table. Timekeepers are using the revised form and are happy.
As to my other question... The field does have drill around but I don't see anyway to filter it using the status field. I can "search" for those that are active but that's not what I want. I want the drill around to already be filtered when you get there. Can I write JavaScript to filter it?
What if I just replace the textbox with a drop down list that I manually add the field values to and set the data source to what the textbox had? Then as long as these field values were in the appropriate table, wouldn't everything work ok? This is an original Lawson form with no customization.
In Design Studio if I look at the properties of a textbox and hit custom, I see ...Output Only, Allow Select, Allow Drill, Has Rule, and Has Define. Could I write a rule that says only use the active field values? Where do the rules go?
Portal Page. Essentially I would recreate the form as a portal page so that I can do a DME on the file to display only the active fields. But I would lose the functionality of the form. ??
Thanks for your continued help and patience.