First, I need to say how helpful Lawson Guru and all these posts are. Reading through issues and resolutions posted here has certainly helped me, and countless others, I am sure, in getting through Lawson Design Studio questions and issues.
This particular post was extremely helpful for me when creating a custom list box, based on a users location, of selected pars from the ICLOCATION table. The selected value is then passed to the Par Location field on IC81.1 for display/maintenance.
I have one issue, however, when the returned record set is greater than a count of 25. It appears that the custom list box only displays the first 25, where the query would actually return a number greater than that.
This populatelist function does not limit the array in any way, so the custom list box limit must be controlled elsewhere.
Anyone have any ideas how I could find where it is controlled or any work around for this to allow access to the remaining records that did not/could not display?