DME query to L_HAPI table

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    Has anyone attempted to do a DME call to the L_INDEX table? Or any of the 'L_' tables? I am able to do a DME call to APINVOICE and get my results but not to the L_INDEX. Was wondering if these tables can be used in Design Studio. Here is my code that is not returning results:

    var x = portalWnd.DMEPath;
     x += "?PROD="+strPDL;
     x += "&FILE=L_HAPI";
     x += "&FIELD=OBJECT;NAME";
     x += "%26SELECT=L_INDEX=" + result;
     x += "&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~&NOHEADER";

    var objhttp=portalWnd.objFactory.createInstance("http");
     var sReturn2=objhttp.responseTEXT


    My alert displays 'OBJECT' and 'NAME' but not the values for the fields. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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      FYI, I have another DME that runs prior to this one and is returning the variable result. This has a valid value that is in my database table L_HAPI in L_INDEX field. Thanks.
      Robert Spurr
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 130
      Veteran Member
        As far as I know you can't DME the tables in question. You have to use a CGI call like (cgi-lawson/writeattach.exe) or (cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe)
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          Thanks for your response Robert! Do you have any documentation on the getattachrec.exe? I found some in Lawson Support but does not provide alot of information. I am trying to retrieve the Invoice Image for the vendor invoice combination on AP20. Does anyone have an example of this nature? Thanks much!
          Robert Spurr
          Veteran Member
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          Veteran Member
            I wish it was that easy. The best way to start is go to AP20 and click on the comment button followed by an Crtl+Alt+A and there you will find the syntax used by AP20. From there you can tweak the URL to your liking.
            Sample: (cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe?_AUDT=A&_IN=APISET1&K1=1000&K2=272&_FN=APINVOICE&K3=632625802&K4=0&_ATYP=C&K5=0&_TYP=CMT&_OPM=C&_OUT=XML&_ATTR=TRUE&_DRIL=TRUE&_AOBJ=TRUE&_PDL=TRAIN&_ON=Invoice+Note%2FReport%2FCheck+Comments) The K1-K9 match to the index used.
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              Thanks again Robert!! I appreciate your help!! I will give this a try..
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                Unfortunately I am still having issues with this. Here is my code I am trying to use:

                //code for getattachrec.exe
                var x = "";
                x += "?_OUT=XML";
                x += "&_PDL= TRAIN9";
                x += "&_FN=APINVOICE";
                x += "&_IN=APISET1";
                x += "&K1=" + vComp;
                x += "&K2=" + vVen;
                x += "&K3=" + vInv;
                x += "&K4=" + vSuff;
                x += "&K5=" + vCanSeq;
                x += "&_ATYP=U";
                x += "&_AUDT=I";
                x += "&_USCH=HTTP";
                x += "&_KS=zz";
                x += "&_OPM=A";
                x += "&_DATA=TRUE";

                //Return value from call
                var objhttp=portalWnd.objFactory.createInstance("http");
                //var objhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
                objhttp.Open("GET", x, false)

                //Display value from call
                var vURL = objhttp.responseTEXT
                alert("URL:" + vURL)

                Please see attached document with values of 'x' and 'URL'  along with error message. Does anyone have any thoughts on what I am doing wrong? I have tried several different ways of doing this procedure but this seems to be the closest I have come. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

                Robert Spurr
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 130
                Veteran Member
                  It takes some trail and error. The following works for me in a browser:

                  (With data elements)

                  (Data element place holders)
                  &K5={Cancel Seq}&_OUT=XML
                  Basic Member
                  Posts: 10
                  Basic Member
                    Thank you so much for your help!! I was able to get this to work!! What a great way to end the week!!
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