I found this in the knowledge base, which says you can do this from within portal form using Design Studio. What I don't know is the proper format for the javascript code. Does anyone have same code I could modify that does a call similar to that shown?
You can use writeattach. writeattachrec and getattachrec are similar programs and they are documented on support.Lawson.com. Refer to those documents for field definitions. Use the notes below to write scripting to update comments using writeattach.exe. Here is the working URL to update the ADD URL on a requisition: http://mylawsonbox.com:14...ch.exe?_OUT=XML&_PDL =TEST1&_FN=REQHEADER&_IN=RQHSET1&K1=2500&K2=0001278&_ATYP =U&_AUDT=I&_USCH=http&_DATA=TRUE &_ATTR=TRUE&_AOBJ=TRUE&_OPM=M&_ECODE=FALSE&_AESC=IE &_ANAM=NAMEOFURL&_ATXT=MYTEXT Running this does an URL attachment to requisition number 1278 for company 2500 in product line TEST1. Note that the URL is simply "MYTEXT" and it should instead be something like “http://www.google.com/" which should be URL-encoded before using, in order to pass the “://” through. Use this in ProcessFlow by creating a Webrun object and assigning this URL or you can add it to a form in DesignStudio. This was written for RQ and will need to be rewritten for AP invoicing.
Terry, I split this off into a separate topic/thread.
Sometimes the best place to look for examples is within the Lawson applications themselves. There is a very example within the ESS/MSS performance management pages (see hrnet\goalAttachment.js, hrnet\careermanagement\lib\getattach.js). You could easily migrate that code to a shared page that is included in Design Studio...