What do you mean? Of course you can trigger (certain) things with web calls! Want to grab some data? Call the Landmark servlet that is associated with that business class - it returns results in JSON. You can also trigger IPA workunits, etc. I do so routinely from a Perl script for smoketesting and system validation.
Edit: I should mention, the only downside is user authentication. There is, of course, a way to work around that.
Here's an example - https://[LMRKURL]/[DATA_AREA]/soap/ldrest/Employee/Find_Detail_FormOperation?Employee=[EMP_NUM]&HROrganization=[ORG_NUM]&Name.GivenName=+&Name.Familyname=+
This call pulls the employee data in the URL string based on the employee's emp num and HRorg.
you could have DS trigger an ajax call with this data from a hidden frame or something, then when the output arrives, you process the JSON -formatted employee data.
I will check, if i can get you a sample.
jq.src = 'http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ServiceAsync&triggerName=BCR0153&dataArea=TST102&workTitle=BCR0153&varName[3]=Month1&varValue[3]='+Month+'&varName[4]=Year1&varValue[4]='+Year+'&varName[0]=Email1&varValue[0]='+parent.portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("email")+'&varName[1]=EmployeeFrom&varValue[1]='+EmployeeFrom+'&varName[2]=EmployeeTo&varValue[2]='+EmployeeTo;
//jq.src = 'http://XXXXXXXXXXXX/lawson/portal/theme/jquery.min.js';